So, yesterday, I busted my ass all day at a nursing home (one of my regular customers) running wires for new "readers" that the nursing staff use. The place is a nightmare for my trade- finished ceilings galore and an infinite number of only semi-movable obstructions on the floor (patients). This is a 2 part project for me and I decided, after packing up all my crap, that I would run back in and do a couple things to make my life easier on the next visit. I left my phone in the truck, reentered the building and hit the 4th floor. Within 10 minutes I was done with that and its counterpart on the 3rd floor. I get off the elevator at 2, open the door to the wing, and everyone turns and looks at me with masks on their faces. The nurse in the middle yells "Hell no! Go somewhere else!" I turn around to the lobby and realize there's a fire chief standing with the administrator and the parking lot is full of rescue and police. The chief had me and the half dozen other people go into the main office and a minute later 2 guys in full hazmat suits with respirators wheel this nurse out on a gurney. I watched as they loaded her in the wagon and saw the chief of police holding the umbrella over the mayors head and news crews setting up across the street. We were locked down inside the building, surrounded by police for almost 2 hours (which I will be billing the customer for). Finally they decided it wasn't Ebola and let everyone leave.
A mostly happy ending, for sure, but all in all I'm pretty nervous about the whole situation.
The nurse in question had recently travelled to Nigeria. She walked in to work and fainted and that was enough to prompt what went down. While it is scary to be confined, involuntarily, it felt like a practice run for the responders. I'm not trying to sound like Dale Gribble, but it feels like this virus is being used as just another tool for the government. The white house is sending troops and has gotten the thumbs up to spend $1billion to fight Ebola. Its [m'kay] ridiculous. Connecticut has declared a state of emergency, granting the health commissioner power to quarantine any person or group he believes may have been in contact with the virus.
I continue to quietly stockpile ammo, drugs, food, and seeds and wait for the [poo] to hit the fan.