Archiving, it's Delta_32-1.

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Archiving, it's Delta_32-1.

Postby Delta_32-1 » Sat Feb 10, 2024 10:51 am

It has been over 10 years since I found WGO. The Jedi Battle arena was the server I went to because it was the GOAT. I found friends in the game, which lasted for years and those relationships helped me become a better person in society.

All of the players in the community of SWBF2 mean a lot to me. From 2007 to 2012 are some of the best gaming times I've ever experienced. The drama of GWL, the modding of servers to eliminate damage of gun heros in hero vs villains servers. The fallout between community's seem so small now. Then there was also the seemingly large groups of dedicated people who would join every night to play the game. Those years mean a lot to me. I lied about my age because I thought at the time i needed to be old AF to join. And I kept that up, not that anyone believed me. If you did I do not fault you. I hope all of the OG players, and the small number of new ones live their dreams. I am beyond elated that this forum still exists.

Thank you for playing, my steam ID is below. The one I had to make after MW2 was released and the profile I had before was banned for having a bogus key! Which some said I could call support and get reinstated, but that was to much work. Anyways, I am going to try and archive this forum over the next few weeks. I will help pay for the upkeep, send me a message on steam :fight2: :gunsmilie: :spamr:

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Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 6:16 am
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