Before i joined SWGO i was banned twice by duel~of~fates.
My first ban was for(this will sound crazy) gliching...
I sat my 1 day ban and the day after i was banned for Tking....
Now i did the TK after ive been Pushed of a building 3 times by an OBI-wan and than i had to block the saber slashes when i came back up..
I wasnt killed as some enemy came up and killed me...i was thirsting for revange and killed the guy who was slashing me...yet an admin was standing next to me...
and again i was banned...
Than the admins told me of a lovely sistem you can report troublemaker
So instead of taking things in my own hands i report glichers/TKers....but yet i found it to have limits....
Then they sudenly told me of the XFIRE sistem
So every time i see someone Gliching/Tking/KSing/Tping/Tchoking/ insulting harrasing i tell an admin if there is one on XFIRE.
So sam i know you have Xfire my advice get all the admins on it and report the troublemakers
DONT become the troublemaker.