Col. Homestar wrote: Not making an argument against your laughable "right" to have them.
There's nothing 'laughable' in the U.S. Constitution. Our Forefathers put alot of fore-sight and effort into protecting us as Citizens for future generations by writing this important document to keep this Country from becoming a Dictatorship and descending into Anarchy.
If you Strip the Right to Bear Arms away, then you have removed the most important final safeguard for Citizens to protect their rights and keeping Government in-check. The Fore fathers knew this. More and more rights will be taken away, and eventually, the Citizens are powerless to do anything about it. You actually think our rights are in good hands with Progressives like Obama?!? He ignores Congress (the voice of the People) whenever possible. He'd love nothing more than to re-write the entire document so he could 'remain' President for life and consolidate his overall have it all! He doesn't even want Congress involved in the decision to raise the debt-ceiling. Such a person, if left un-checked, could concevably end up controlling the Military for many years by appointing his own Lapdog Generals/Admirals because he wouldn't need Congressional approval on who to promote....Ignore the Constitution, you then ignore Congress, ignore the rule of Law, and ultimately ignore the Voice of the People.
Venezuela comes to mind...many other countries too. Egypt's people are getting a bit pissed due to Mohamed Morsi's power grabs. You want to be like them?