WD-40 wrote:I just got back and had a full day of work around the house, so I'll need to pick at this a bit per Yan's request to counterpoint his counterpoint of the obvious.
First: Progressives, or the misunderstanding of its history, what it meant to be a 'progressive' in the past, and what one is today vs Liberals. I will provide the link. Go there, read it, feel what you feel, believe what you chose to believe or how you decide to understand it all.
Regarding obama's 'accomplishments' from Yan's links, all I saw was a bunch of stuff he signed that has not helped our Nation grow stronger or even maintain its strength one bit. In fact, we've fallen backward...not forward. More people are out of work, Obama has outspent Bush in only 4 years for what Bush spent in 8, we are the laughingstock of the world since world leaders know Obama has no spine, and Obama has pissed away Trillions of tax dollars on accomplishing nothing. He's out of ideas, therefore he's out of hope. It's time for a new direction away from the 'Big American mistake of 2008'. Romney will win this November, therefore the United States will win.
Obama disgusts me. I know for a fact he's a liar. I will not tell you why I know this. I do not care whether or not you believe me. But it is the truth. Vote your conscience. I do not care who you vote for, as it's your personal right to chose whom you wish. God Bless America.
Ok. I've been attempting to evade politics over the internet (this forum, in particular)but I just. can't. take it. All of you Romney fans with your somewhat opinionated styles of debating has really been pushing me over the edge.
You (as well as kjep, MD, etc) really should spend some time looking over Romney's policies. And not just from the social media. They are terrible, and he's been vague about a large portion of the policies in almost every platform that was addressed. He backed away from his his tax plan during all the debates, refuses to give specific details about any plan he has, but still claims he's a better candidate. It's really quite scummy of him to tell you to vote for him based simply on the fact that he's not Obama, since that's pretty much what he's going on. It's also kind of ironic to call Obama a liar when Romney lied 31 times during Wednesday's debate.
Let's take a look at some of Romney's policies.
Romney Tax Plan
This is what Romney proposed for his tax plan some weeks back:
-Lower tax rates by 20% = $2.5 trillion
-Eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax = $700 billion
-Repeal of high-income payroll tax = $300 billion
-Repeal the estate tax = $150 billion
-Tax cut for corporations = $1.1 trillion
That's about $5 trillion in tax cuts + interest.
Romney hasn’t specified a single loophole he’d close to pay for these cuts, and he’s said that taking steps that would require the wealthy to pay more, like raising their taxes on capital gains, aren't going to happen. But even if he eliminated all other tax benefits for high-income taxpayers and enough corporate tax loopholes to pay for his plan, he’d still need to increase middle class taxes by $1 trillion to pay for his plan.
-Ending all tax benefits for the wealthy = $1.7 trillion
-Eliminate corporate tax benefits to offset corporate tax cut = $1.1 trillion
-Eliminate enough middle class tax benefits to pay for middle class tax cut = $1 trillion
That's about$4 trillion.
That leaves $1 trillion that Romney must find either by increasing middle class taxes or increasing the deficit.
Romney wants to end all wind power subsidies
This is a horrible idea. Wind, solar, and electric energy is the future. We can't have Romney retrogress our nation, hindering our nation by cutting funding to industries that generate solar, wind and electric energy. These industries are also run by people, a large number of them too. These are jobs that will be destroyed. By continuing our need of oil, furthering the destruction of the environment, and falling behind the rest of the World's progress in renewable resources, we will continue to hurt our nation. It has been confirmed that he shows absolutely no interest in developing these industries.
And for those of you who think Obama is destroying the oil industry, Domestic oil production this year reached an all time high since 2003.
Romney wants military intervention in Syria as well as stopping Iran from building nuclear weapons.
Yeah, because Americans are just begging for another war in the Middle East. And for what, lower gas prices? I've heard that [poo] before. And while he's at it, why not add two trillion to the defense budget that the military didn't even ask for? Increasing our military budget is the last thing this country needs.
Romney wants to throw out Planned Parenthood.
There are no benefits to cutting funding to Planned Parenthood, other than spending a tiny bit less money on the federal budget. In doing that, you increase the amount of money the goverment has to spend on all the repercussions of not educating the public on their reproductive organs and covering their health needs. So you end up spending more money.
If you are pro-life, it's great for a week, as you end up cutting the 3% of money going to abortion related services, along with the other 97% that covers preventative health, cancer screenings, stopping the spread of STDs, etc. By cutting their funding, you actually increase the number of abortions, as their preventative services do a lot to decrease the amount of unwanted pregnancies.
So you can cut a tiny bit of money and protect the deficit by a minuscule sum, but will end up costing more in the long run, when those in need have to put more burden on the public health system, costing far more in cancer treatments, ER visits, the spread of STDs, unwanted pregnancies, adding burden to the already taxed adoption and social services system, etc.
All because 3% of their money goes to something you do not agree with religiously. Sigh.
This post explains a large part of why I would prefer Obama. (I didn't write this)
I will vote for Barack Obama for three reasons:
1. He has a vastly superior plan to get millions more Americans health insurance. Romney admits that his plan will deny coverage to millions, despite successfully implementing “Romneycare” as governor of Massachusetts. Romney now suggests that insurance should be left up to individual states, as though cancer in Colorado is less financially devastating than it is in North Carolina. This alone highlights a devastating leadership vacuum from Romney. So no thanks. I have kids. And a body, which might get sick one day. I also have a wife, who happens to be a woman. Watching her bring two children into this world has alerted me to a host of medical problems that healthy women regularly face—problems that necessitate a better healthcare solution in this country. And the Affordable Care Act is the beginning of that solution.
2. Obama has a stronger and wider-reaching plan to improve our education system: the thing that makes America go. What will improve our competitiveness with China over the next five, ten, or twenty years? A temporary tax cut on the capital gains of a Bain Capital board member’s grandson’s trust fund or an investment in Pittsburgh public schools today?
3. Whoever is elected will appoint Supreme Court justices. Three of the current justices are in their late seventies and will soon retire. Obama nominated two Supreme Court justices in his first term. Both made decisions that oppose Romney's stated intent for the nation, including the preservation of the Affordable Care Act. In 2009, Sonia Sotomayor, then Obama’s only appointee, also dissented when the Court decided in favor of Citizens United vs. the Federal Election Commission. This has allowed record-smashing sums of corporate cash to poison the campaign landscape. I respectfully disagree with Governor Romney that “corporations are people.” Corporations are made up of people, and I believe that if we take care of people’s concerns first, the corporations will still continue to thrive.
Healthcare and education are far more important to our country's future economic strength than any other issues. Why? Because America is made of Americans. Educate them, make it impossible for their kids' leukemia to bankrupt them, and they will kick ass here and around the globe. Look up Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Until Americans have their brains nourished and their bodies cared for better, they will not and cannot care about climate change, human rights, energy independence, or foreign affairs. You start with the foundation! Barack Obama is not perfect, but considering the Affordable Care Act, his education plans, and the looming appointment of more Supreme Court justices, it is both fair and accurate to say that he is monstrously, shockingly more qualified to be the president of this nation I love so very much.
If you decided to read all of that, I hope it has helped you understand more about some of the policies that Romney chooses to have in this country. I also hope you guys aren't voting for Romney simply because you're a Republican. If Romney wins, the middle class loses. Pretty sure Obama will get presidency though, between being more likable than Romney and not being hated by a majority of women.