The plan of government is to divide and conquer. I do not believe in government, government laws and government borders. Government is making and using an immigration crisis to divide and rule. It is that simple. Make a crisis, and then make "laws" and changes to fix the crisis that give the government more power.
In the distant future we will have a world of nation-communities, that voluntarily share resources with each other, especially in times of need and disaster, so you will not see large scale immigration. What does this mean? It means cultures will be more stable, and cultures will not have large scale upheavals.
The point is, is that there are enough resources in the world for everyone, but the government corporate control system hogs most of the resources, and leaves the majority of the people arguing and fighting over a few pennies. For now we have to deal with governments who have two sets of rules. One for the people they seek to control, and the rules for themselves and their corporate cronies who fund them.
By letting in large groups of people from other government-states, the domestic tyranny believes it will benefit them and their control over the entire population as a whole. They actually hope for riots and similar things, as they can use these as an excuse to make more laws to control and crack down on the population.
The only reform that is coming in the immigration system is one that will benefit those at the top of the pyramid. Once you understand the system for what it is, you understand that you cannot benefit in the long run, by engaging and participating in it. The government system (and all violence) has no right to exist in the first place.