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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:10 pm
by WD-40
Okay...Here's a can of worms. Obama said something today that pissed me off. Saying the following (I'll provide a link to the whole story).
President Obama said today he is confident the Supreme Court will uphold his health care law -- and basically warned the justices against striking down the law by practicing what he called "judicial activism."

"I'd just remind conservative commentators that for years what we've heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint," Obama said during a joint news conference with the leaders of Canada and Mexico.

Obama defined it by saying "an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted passed law -- well, here's a good example. And I'm pretty confident that this -- this court will recognize that and not take that step." argument is whether or not 'Obamacare' is Unconstitutional, is for the Supreme Court to decide (I don't think it is :whistling: ) However, what pissed me off was his Narcisstic comment about the Supreme Court being 'un-elected', when it's obvious that this supossed 'Professor of Law' doesn't understand the Constitution and its protections for The People. He also doesn't understand that the Supreme Court is doing 'exactly' what it is mandated by the Constitution to do. Interpret the Constitution in order to rule based on Constitutional Law on any given case to appear before it.

The 'Supreme Court' members are appointed by a 'sitting president', who are approved by the Congress before they can serve. 'The People' elect the Congress...therefore, am I wrong to say that 'The People' technically approve the Supreme Court? And technically, although it's not a nationwide 'vote' to appoint a Supreme Court Justice, a 'vote' does take Congress. Therefore...they are 'Elected' representatives of 'The People'.

Is it no wonder Obama thinks the Constitution is outdated?

I'm sorry...but this is the first president who's a wild-west dumb ass who will let [poo] fly out of his mouth as if he is some authority of knowledge. In my opinioon..he is America's biggest mistake!

Re: Obamacare

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:37 pm
by Duel of Fates
Ping . . . Ping . . . (grenade pin hitting the floor).

Re: Obamacare

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:46 pm
by Ariel
Couldn't have said it any better, WD-40. An unprofessional, low-blow comment by our dear Emperor ( :stupid: ), just another in the long list of events that have indeed proven that Obama hates America and wants to change us at any cost, whether it is legal or not.

Re: Obamacare

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:07 pm
by WGO-Jango
American government needs to change in general, everyday I'm amazed the government hasn't done the one thing to reduce its spending, reduce the size of the government. Strink the government, combine agencies and departments and stick to spending caps. Obamacare is a farce, it says that healthcare is a right not a privilege, it was passed without the knowledge of the people or without members of Congress reading what they were voting on. If the Supreme Court doesn't shoot it down I hope it gets repealed. If the government wants to help people with healthcare then sponsor more free clinics then.

Re: Obamacare

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:34 pm
by ӺȁȿŧƔ
This is not even close to the worst thing he's done lately. Have you heard about the NDAA Act he signed on new years eve, when nobody was paying attention?

Re: Obamacare

PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:34 pm
by burzerker
Thought the Left was all about "judicial activism" like finding made up things in the constitution like right to privacy meaning you can kill an unborn child. I guess it's all good until they rule against what the Left wants. How about what Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the Egyptians suggesting that they don't look to the US constitution when making their new one.. and she's supposed to be upholding it???

Re: Obamacare

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:13 pm
by Matt-Chicago
I think the hypocrisy is almost exactly equal on both sides of the judicial activism debate.

Sometimes each side is for restraint or activism depending on which side of an issue they're on.

Also would just point out the healthcare mandate was a conservative "free market" idea for the past 25 years, right up until Democrats proposed it. I never liked it, bring on medicare for all.

Re: Obamacare

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:00 pm
by Pootus
He did say that he wanted to fundamentally change things...but that the constitution was preventing him from enacting the change he wants. What burns me is that every Rep SCJ nominee is torn to shreds by the Dems. But the Reps lay down (I guess to take the high road).

Now we have
1) a SCJ who's ruling was overturned by the USSC

2) a SCJ who never presided over a court case in her life!

Re: Obamacare

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:45 pm
by WGO-Jango
Matt-Chicago wrote:...bring on medicare for all.

This doesn't fix the underlying problem. The government providing healthcare for all doesn't resolve the high costs of healthcare it simply shifts the burden from the individual and businesses to the federal government. Health insurance isn't expensive because the health insurance companies make it expensive, it's expensive because healthcare providers charge outrageous prices for services. And those companies responsible for providing these centers with the hardware and materials necessary also charge outrageously high. The government taking over healthcare wouldn't solve the high costs of healthcare in fact it could even raise them. Ask for an itemized list the next time you take a visit to the hospital ER or even stay, the prices they charge you for things like tissues, a toothbrush and toothpaste are criminal.

Re: Obamacare

PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:46 am
by Dad
"All politicians are out for themselves."

That's all me. If you believe anything ANY politician says, shame on you.

"nough said.