The following link was sent to me by a friend and I cannot believe it was the first time I saw it. This made me sick on so many levels it took me a few days to get my thoughts in order, to try and wrap my mind around the events that occurred. Try to fathom what the [m'kay] the media and so called journalists of the free world have done and not done. Why George Zimmerman has been tried in the court of public opinion? Why George is a white-hispanic? . . . and not a hispanic american? White on black violence sells. Black on black violence doesnt? Black on white violence is expected? Check out the link and think about two things.
1. Why wasn't there a liberal media induced national outcry for these victims?
2. How [m'kay] up our society is that this guy is a member?
ps. sorry for the rant, hopefully you will understand after seeing this news story. ... vet-death/