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Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:14 am
In as short an answer as possible, why do you think the economy sucks.

Re: Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:29 am
by Tiburana203
shortest answer possible? simply put: because banks are stupid!

Re: Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:36 am
by kjeopardy
I'm only 16, so I hardly have the experience to explain such a complicated topic, but I'll do my best.

The sucky economy is the result of unregulated greed and liberalism. Firstly, the government decided under Clinton that its better for people to own their houses than to rent them, and thus lowered the standard needed to obtain a mortgage; this is the liberalism: this benefits mainly Hispanics and poor people. Banks were eager to cash in: they charged upfront fees from these people and then sold the mortgages to large companies, who expected to reap the interest off of them. However, these mortgages were worthless: since the people who were supposed to pay them off really couldn't; thus, both banks and companies were left with worthless investments, and from there, things went downhill....

Not sure if all of this is correct, but Ithink its a fairly accurate description of what happened: greed, liberalism, and shortsightedness.

EDIT: I would like to add something important. The bad economy is also the result of the military campaigns we launched--combined with the tax cuts sanctioned by the Republicans. You can't fight a war and cut taxes, its impossible.


Re: Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:59 am
by (=DK=)Samonuh
As far as it goes with the government's financial instability, it's due to enormous unsustainable entitlements that take up 2/3 of spending and almost all of our revenue. In a few short decades, our revenue won't even be able to support Social Security. We need raise the retirement age and withdraw troops abroad. That'll cut spending to a reasonable level, thus creating more faith in the economy. While I don't believe the government should interfere in the economy, harnessing a massive debt certainly discourages the private market.

Re: Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:39 am
by crazyperson
MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:In as short an answer as possible, why do you think the economy sucks.


Re: Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:46 am
by Son

Re: Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:01 am
by 11_Panama_

Re: Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:08 am
by kjeopardy
Tiburana203 wrote:shortest answer possible? simply put: because banks are stupid!

Not quite:

crazyperson wrote:Democrats.

Re: Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:16 am
by Flyswamper
More uncertainty in fiscal and regulatory regimes results in reduced commerce, simply because people (investors, business men, owners, and ordinary consumers alike) are less likely to take on the kind of risks that create and sustain commerce.

i.e. it's less about what the policy and regime actually *IS* and more about whether the future fiscal and regulatory regimes are known/predictable.....

Re: Why does the economy suck?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:26 am
by NiteRunner81
The economy sucks because our country is supporting millions of illegal aliens and fighting a war for no reason. Also I would like to add Obamacare. Instead of Obamacare I believe that we needed to have overhauled the COST (Price, etc) of medical care and got rid of pre-existing condition clauses (yah, it goes in effect in 2013, but thats not soon enough for me).

The other nitpics I have are: As a born citizen I can NOT go to my state DHS office and get health, food, or cash benefits (if I was dirt poor and no job for me or the hubby), BUT some illegal f-tard who jumped the border last week can have them handed to him. Same said F tard can claim 10 children from another country on his taxes and get a 25K tax return on our dime. PISSES me off!!!!

The only time I've ever seen humanity in government services was getting WIC when I was pregnant. And that was only because my hubby had just finished a 12 month contract at Intel and they lay you off every year for 6 months (or at least they did back then. they don't do that anymore THANK GOD!!!).

Lets not forget CORPORATE GREED!!!!