MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote:Matt needs a graphing calculator for 7th grade algebra. We're looking at a TI 84 plus and a TI 84 plus silver. I don't have a clue what a graphing calculator is or what it does, so we could use a little help. Are these two I've suggested sufficient for 7th grade algebra?
Yay, a math question (sorta)!
Quite frankly, NEITHER of these calculators are necessary for 7th grade algebra; however, it has become a common practice in schools these days of requiring calculators that are way above grade level.
The fact is is that Matt is probably gonna use this calculator mainly for addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.---maybe a little bit of graphing.
The screens on the TI-84 Plus and Ti-84 Plus Silver Edition are practically identical to my knowledge---as is the speed at which each calculator can render a graph.
As such, I would definitely go for the TI-84 Plus and not waste money on the Silver Edition, UNLESS you can get the SE for under $15 more, or cost is not a factor in deciding what calculator to buy.
Another note: you could buy the TI-83 Plus, which is cheaper than either of those. It will be fine for high school, and probably for college unless Matt is taking some seriously advanced calculus courses.
However, the screen on the TI-83 Plus is worse than the screens of either the TI-84 Plus or TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. The speed at which the 83 makes a graph is also slower.
So conclusion:
buy the TI-84 Plus, and only get the silver edition if you really don't care about spending an extra $20 bucks. Also, I wouldn't buy them in a retail store: order em online or something.