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Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 2:47 pm
Penny for your thoughts?

Re: Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 4:55 pm
by (SWGO)Kren
Well, it would be a shame to dissolve the Union after hundreds of years. The Yes campaign think it's all going to be the ultimate dream an independent Scotland however if they do succeed I don't reckon life will be quite that simple:

* They need to pay their debts which would be quite a lot, not sure how they would manage this? Alex Salmond was implying they would not however once a country defaults on it's debts then it does not exactly raise confidence for investors.
* The bank of England is indicating they need their own currency.
* Big businesses and investors are likely to migrate South and/or pull-out of Scotland.
* Cost of living will increase in Scotland.
* Potential Job cuts in Scotland should companies move South.
* Boarder controls between the Scottish/English boarder will need to be put in place and enforced by each country.
* Scotland would need to apply to the EU should they wish to become part of that and we all know how successful our Euro cousins have been with their 'Superstate'. :whistling:
* Currently Scotland have no military as this is part of the British army. They would need to apply to join NATO and commit their forces accordingly.
* Some Scottish people assume the land border also applies to the sea, i.e. Oil however that's not the case.
* Should Scotland become part of the EU then they would automatically be enrolled into the Schengen Agreement i.e. open borders so that means an influx of immigrants, you guys already know the issue with immigrants from Mexico.

So looking at this based upon the above if Scotland decides to go-it-alone it's not likely for things to go easy for them. Personally we are a stronger nation together rather than apart and I have no desire for Scotland to become independent, I suppose could be the same if certain US states were ever planning to secede, i.e. would this be for the best, I suspect not.


Re: Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:20 pm
Amazing insight. Thanks Kren. :th_a017:

Oh, and good luck with it. I'm hoping you guys stick together.

Re: Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:33 am
by imaim
Ya, Krenie, that is great insight...thanks for sharing. Good Luck!

We ALL need to be stronger against isis and the other (non)islamic fundamentalist nutjobs

Re: Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 6:28 am
I've spoken to a few Scots I know, and it seems that lots of them are treating it like a general election. Scotland isn't keen on Cameron or the Conservatives (there's only one representative for the Conservatives in Scotland, 40 labour and 6 SNP). They don't like Cameron's government and want out. Personally, I don't think some Scots understand that this isn't for five years, it's forever. If there would be a good thing for the rest of the UK if Scotland goes independent it would be that Miliband will find it harder to get into power. I don't want them to go, but if they do, they'll struggle. Best of luck to them if they leave.

Re: Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:33 am
by Sir Bang
One day to go and the polls are still neck and neck, but I have a bad feeling that the high turnout predicted at the booths (80-95%) are due to the masses of 'Yes' voters who don't usually vote/have never voted - that is, the ones who have been disillusioned with Westminster politics their whole lives - pulling their finger out and voting for independence. I think we're all in for a massive shock, I just hope I'm wrong.

Re: Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:46 am
by (SWGO)Kren
imaim wrote:Ya, Krenie, that is great insight...thanks for sharing. Good Luck!

We ALL need to be stronger against isis and the other (non)islamic fundamentalist nutjobs

Your quite welcome and yes you are right, all these fundamentalist groups causing chaos needs us all to stand strong against them, the more we fracture the weaker we all become.

I hope Scotland does not depart from the Union for their sake and the rest of the UK. The vote is almost upon us so we shall see shortly.


Re: Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:58 pm
by WD-40
I wonder how fast the after-affects will kick in once it is decided. I read today that the Royal Bank of Scotland said definitively that they were moving South into British Territory if they fracture the Union, and that the Northern Nuke Missile Defense called 'Trident' would have to be relocated to a still unknown location at a cost of 8.5 Billion, which 'might' make them scrap that program completely causing some serious chaos.

Re: Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 9:11 pm
by 11_Panama_ ... -1.1939464

This is hilarious... specially the end.

Re: Yo Kren, Scotland...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:09 am
I wondered how long Willie would take to speak up :lol:

If it's a "Yes" vote today, it will take 2-3 years for Scotland to become fully independent. We find out the result tomorrow morning...