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SW:Battlefront II | Coruscant | by Vorrtz/Burza'P

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:27 pm
by BurzaP
Hey ya!
It's my vid. The first vid about SWBF2, exactly, about Coruscant. It was uploaded on you tube 2 months ago but a material(NOT FILM!) is 1 year old so my skill is different, and I hope, better now.
This video is dedicated to haasd0gg, whose favorite map(If nothing has changed) is... yeah, Coruscant. ;)
Now there is an info about my vid:
It's a short tutorial to Coursant - contains things you may or may not know about this map ( but not everything.... ). While filming I played in a multiplayer ( Jedi Battle Arena [server] but not only) and LAN. For pros this video can be boring but...... pros don't need to watch tutorials :P And few tricks I showed - they may be difficult to do during the first try. MTFBWU Always
Have a fun :)

PS: If you can, please comment and rate this vid on you tube ;) and subscribe.......... xD

Re: SW:Battlefront II | Coruscant | by Vorrtz/Burza'P

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:34 pm
by Minwu325
You are mortar and EMP launcher fodder if you stay in those tight hiding spots for too long.

Re: SW:Battlefront II | Coruscant | by Vorrtz/Burza'P

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:52 pm
by BurzaP
Yeah, I know, I just filmed it as a curiosity. If you are there for too long, you can die but being there for 10-15 secs it's ok.