Upcoming PC SWBF2 Tournament

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Upcoming PC SWBF2 Tournament

Postby Mike4Real » Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:12 am

Hey everyone, I'm posting here to spread the word about an upcoming SWBF2 tournament taking place on PC, which will be starting soon. This tournament will be using the Gamemaster GameSpy workaround to conduct its matches.

The tournament will be in an open ladder format and will consist of mostly 4 on 4 matches (although teams can still play in 3v3s at the minimum if they would like to, larger matches are also possible as long as its even). This format means that teams will be able to openly challenge teams and play matches at their leisure. Points are awarded for wins and deducted for losses. At the end of the open ladder period the top teams will move on to the playoffs, which will be a bracket format. Some matches in this tournament will be streamed provided one of the streamers is a available and individual stats will be recorded as well (inputting scoreboard stats into google sheet). This could also be the last SWBF2 tournament hosted on this site as the new game will be out soon.

Right now there is no official set start date because this will be influenced by the number of signups (once there is about 8 teams signed up things can start).

If any of you guys would like to sign up as a team (meaning you have at least 2 other people in mind who you can play with) you should go here:

If you don’t have anyone in mind, you guys can feel free to organize a team right here in this thread, or you can post on the free agent section of the site, letting pre-existing PC teams know that you would like to play:
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Re: Upcoming PC SWBF2 Tournament

Postby Hobo » Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:35 am

I have no doubt in my mind that this tournament will work and that the swbfc will surely revitalize the swbf2 player-base
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Re: Upcoming PC SWBF2 Tournament

Postby Mike4Real » Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:27 am

Well, they work out excellent every summer on PS2. Granted this is a different story but I think we can get to 6-8 teams which would be a good amount. Not being too ambitious here, if it doesn't work out its not the end of the world.
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Re: Upcoming PC SWBF2 Tournament

Postby FaiL.? » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:58 am

Sounds interesting.
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