Now, onto the map list. Please note that this first +123 night is going to feature rarely-played maps only, almost none of which will be heroes vs. villains:
Bespin Clone Wars Hunt (Jet troopers with sniper rifles)
Bespin Galactic Civil War Hunt (Prison Break)
Courscant Hunt [both eras] (One of them is temple security vs. clones)
Death Star Prison Break
**Dagobah will be skipped**
Endor Hero Assault
Felucia Clone Wars Hunt (Clones vs. Acklays)
Geonosis GCW conquest (AT-ATs)
Hoth Conquest Clone Wars Era
**Kamino and Kashyyk will be skipped unless anyone has any serious issues with this**
Mustafar Hero Assault
Mygeeto Hunt (whichever one people want)
**Naboo will be skipped**
Polis Masa Hunt
Rhen Var Hero Assault (citadel)
Rhen Var Hunt (citadel)
Rhen Var 1 flag ctf (harbor)
Mos Eisley Hunt (tiny troopers)
Tantive Hero Assault
Jabba's Palace Hunt (clones and jedi vs.

**Utapau will be skipped**
**Normal Yavin will be skipped**
+123 Yavin hunt and hero assault
This is not definite and is still open to suggestions. Maps can be skipped on the actual night if requested. I welcome your comments.