Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

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Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby (clnrs)Cloner » Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:47 pm

I have seen a couple posts about admin abuse and I thought that they weren't true but now I have seen it..... I was on DC at 2:35 PM Central Approximately and I was playing as usual. I got tked once or twice by Devils_Right_Hand and also ksed... He said sorry once or twice but when I "ksed" (I totally do not remember any ks attempt at all) he tried to ks me.... Bang, right there.. retaliation BY AN ADMIN.... I told him "ks" and he said that I did it to him another time.... THAT Doesn't mean that you go ks me!! I said i didn't remember and told him that he had ksed and tked me before though. After going back and forth in the conversation he saved me and I said thank you and said sorry if I ksed earlier... He said something to the effect of "shut up already" not saying np or something like that. It resulted in something like "if you don't shut up you are not going to like me" and I told him that he was the one that tked and ksed me and I didn't remember anything about me ksing him..... Then he boots me for "Not heeding warning"..... REALLY? WHAT DID I DO? He was the one that retaliated and ksed me... That right there is admin abuse and I expect an apology for it from him or SWGO. How did he get to be an admin anyways? He was the one that broke the rules and he didn't even tell me from what I remember that I ksed him when i supposedly did.... Would MT or Son boot for me not understanding and telling them that I didn't do anything? I don't think so...
Here is the pic of when I got booted... ... ?type=user
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Re: Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby haasd0gg » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:23 pm

Devils right hand isn't an admin.
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Re: Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby (clnrs)Cloner » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:41 pm

Ok.. then who was it? I would like the logs and still why was I booted? It was just him the "warned" me so called. Do you think kicking me was a good idea Haasdog?
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Re: Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby Duel of Fates » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:57 pm

I was playing under the Devils Right Hand, and you did ks more than a few times. Pulling players while in combat or engaged in fights. I followed after a vader that you pulled and ksd you and tkd you by accident. I was already attacking the vader. Then I gotta hear you whine about it even after I said sorry. Then you proceeded to do it again, and you failed to kill so I got into position and pushed the vill down and killed him. You start ranting again about ksing, even after I saved you multiple times when you got your clock cleaned.

Then you kept up the whining and complaining, I told you that was enough. You kept it up, and you got yourself kicked.
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Re: Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby (clnrs)Cloner » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:02 pm

First of all, I was yoda and I often "let people go" only to pull them again so I didn't *fail* to kill him. I would have you just got into it just as I did. But I would like to see the logs just as haasdog asked. You were the one that was *charging* me for ksing and I didn't remember it. I would like to see the logs to confirm it. You had ksed a couple times and so had I. You tked once also but yes you did save me and I did say thank you. I have never been booted for "bad behavior" and I could not see when I ksed. I probably did when I didn't see anyone but they were there. You still should interfere with my fight with someone else and that is retaliation in my opinion. I didn't know you could boot people when you and them are arguing and you are annoyed.
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Re: Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby haasd0gg » Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:51 pm

Lol I was thinking of a different devils right hand. I seriously doubt duel, of anyone, was being an abusive admin :roll:
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Re: Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby (clnrs)Cloner » Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:04 am

Maybe not abusive. I do respect him and have known him to be a wise admin but he did boot me when I wasn't understanding what was going on. We all ksed and I think it was inflated a lot more than it needed to be.
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Re: Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby Duel of Fates » Thu Mar 29, 2012 8:58 am

(clnrs)Cloner wrote:Maybe not abusive. I do respect him and have known him to be a wise admin but he did boot me when I wasn't understanding what was going on. We all ksed and I think it was inflated a lot more than it needed to be.

I try to be fair, and have had many good rounds playing against you. I respect you as a good player, but when you jump into others fights and ks, it makes for a bad round. Just because school lets out and there are a lot of kids and newbies on that ks, doesnt make it ok to do the same. I usually try to find a different part of the map to hunt in when you play on my side because you have the tendency to pull first and "ooops, sorry" later. And you wouldn't get tkd as much if you didnt jump into other peoples fights. I returned to the server after getting ready for work under yet another alias and witnessed you circle around a group of your own team mates trying to kill a greivous bot. You jumped into it, pulled, and the bot, being a laggy critter, jumped away from you, and you and another player went after it, and you got yourself killed by your team mate. Then you call out TK, as if anyone not reading the logs cannot see that you got tk'd. Are you hoping to get your teammates in trouble? After watching the whole thing, I gave you yet another warning for KS. The TK was unintentional and could have been avoided by you from the get go.

I am not trying to be a hard ass, but maybe you could settle down a bit when your playing with large groups. KS happens, as do TKs. If it is an accident, just let it go. IF it happens continuously, call it out on the chat so any admin that happens to be playing can take a second and look for the trouble makers and determine if they are indeed excessively breaking the rules. Dont be the boy who cries wolf, pretty soon no one is going to listen to you in game. I will work with you if you work with us. We admins are here to keep the server running as smoothly as this glitched up game will allow. We look for trouble makers and try to keep the game fun.

A side note to other players out there as well, If you see someone glitching. Say their name, what kind of glitch, and where. If they are intentionally attacking team mates, say their name and say TK. (Usually they show up pretty easy on the ingame chat because of the TKs they commit). If they are KSing, excessively, call it out. One time is not excessive. If I happen to see it I usually give warnings unless it is blatant, and the player has been around long enough to know better. Then I will kick.

eg. "Devils Right Hand, glitching in arena wall." Now the admins know who and where to look for the trouble maker.
Just saying "Glitcher" does not help at all, especially on a full server.

eg. "Devils Right Hand Ksing."
Just saying "KS", does no good.

We admins have to see the infraction, determine if it was intentional, excessive, or disruptive to the game before we act. Don't just go around accusing people of crap hoping an admin will blindly kick someone that is kicking your butt.
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Re: Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby (clnrs)Cloner » Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:47 pm

That is one reason why I hate playing in a large group. You can't tell who's kill it is or if they are going to let them go without killing them. I know this will sound like the most stupid excuse you have ever heard.. but when "I" got warned it was my friend that was playing and tends to ks a lot. His name is havik when he is playing on his own computer and he was booted earlier for wookie glitching.. I am totally not a fan of how he plays at all but then again we were close friends before bf2 and I can't "unfriend" him for his "sloppy" playing. I do tend to ks sometimes but that's because I really do not want that player to get away and in my experience after several years of playing I see people just don't finish the kill and let them get away. I have a hard time letting that go and that is not good on my part. I'll take your advice on the reporting too. Often times I yell out tk or ks self-consciously but I assure you I was not by any means trying to get any of my teammates in trouble. I'm still not sure how I broke the rules. We both ksed a couple times but we were both arguing... soo, not quite sure if I was just annoying and you wanted to boot me or... idk. I do not like to have a "record" and am sorry that I have a tendency to often. I will definitely work on it!
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Re: Admin Abuse for real...... Wow...

Postby 11_Panama_ » Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:05 pm

Cloner,not trying to stir up any [poo] but....... why did it take 4 posts for you to bring up the fact that "it was your friend that ks'ed and received that warning"? At this point, I would of not even bothered. Because it seems that your just throwing anything out save face. Just my observation. This is Panama, and I approve this message.
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