Get more admins or something

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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby (SWGO)Minas_Thirith » Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:10 pm

The thing is Maxspeed, i just notice the typical behavior of rulebreakers in HA.
No admin logs on, a bunch of rulebreakers start acting up, suddenly a admin logs on an ditches out a ban to the first offender.
Some times the first offender was retaliating to another offense, tough retaliation is bannable, the main reason of the retaliation remains unharmed just to get another victim.

Many times you see push wars going on between players, and these things really annoy admins, since it's up to them to see who's the offender.
Nowadays iv'e just come in the habit in stoping flame-wars to warn/kick/ban both of them regardless of who started it.....
But still it's a pain whenever your on and you can't see it all
Someone yells "admin he TK'ed me" while what happened was that he ran into a fight trying to KS and got himself TK'ed.....

It's fairly hard in HA to please everybody, in JBA what can you do to break the rules?
Glitch? language? and then what? there are other things, but force users in HA have way more rules to be broken, and TK is on, it's not easy and many times frustrating to get anything done, even active players, play less when their made admins.
Which incluides myself, being on a server all day with complaining 10-year-olds that think they know everything while starting flame wars for no apearent reason, with the mind of "rules are meant to be broken" and see how much they can use profanity they barely understand without being banned, isn't really "Fun" when your trying to play a "GAME"

Many think admining is fun, sure banning some idiot alwayes gives a sadisfying feeling, but it will alwayes interupt your game, and many admins have a job, kids, wife, etc...
So gaming becomes a "fun hobby" while JBA is a fun, generally flame-wars free(ill be honest, i can see JBA days without a ban, while in HA DC, your lucky to go an hour without a flame-wars when the server is full)
So spending free time doing that, isn't alwayes fun.......

Anyhow enough of my whining, but at least some may get the point, admining can be very hard.....and stressfull

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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby THEWULFMAN » Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:58 pm

And this is why I generally play JBA only.
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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby Col. Hstar » Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:38 pm

(SWGO)_==MAX==SPEED== wrote:but like CY said theres more drama in HA so maybe some could play more? or just say at the end of every round in jba take 30 secs to check on HA.

It won't just take 30 secs though. In HA you have people starting fights over Kill Steals.
Post Diversion: I know everyone puts great stock in racking up points on gametracker, but I hate playing in HA for this reason. It's not a team effort like JBA. In JBA the goal is to beat the other side, whether by strength on numbers or captured posts. In HA you got people wanting to do one on one duels. It get stupid to the point that you may as well go fight bots because at least they don't whine about you taking their kill shot.

If people were not so concerned about individual points and kills like they are we would have less fights. I've seen so many complaints about KS ksing coming in lately it's getting as obnoxious as the KSer itself. Remember as many, many have pointed out, this isn't a "competitive" server. People can come in when it's empty and kill 200 bots it makes no difference. I know many won't agree with me, but they're also the ones starting threads saying there aren't enough admins/babysitters

Back on point: also like MT said there is usually someone who started it, and someone who retaliates. More often then not the very first offense was a mistake and because the offender was not quick enough to say sorry. Then when the other person retaliates it's seen as an unprovoked attack (which in this scenario it is) Then you have a war with each person trying to one up the other.

I can see why most are on JBA. The only time I go on HA is when there is no one in JBA and even then I just go into spectate mode and snap screenshots if I have to.

A quick question to those who know how to mod the game. I've noticed that players with pull cannot pull their own teammates, is there a way to give this characteristic to push and choke as well? If a teammate is unable to force push or choke a fellow player that could cut out a lot of the crying too.
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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby (SWGO)Max » Fri Aug 10, 2012 6:58 pm

if push doesnt effect your teamates then all you gotta do is push the bad guy away n before the guy can finish his combo you have succesfully kill stealed. and then you dont have as many tk-ks's so then its harder for admin to believe your word cuz if he didnt see it for all he knows the person is lying cuz there was no ks tk just a clean kill steal that theres no witness's for except the victim and the dead person
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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby Col. Hstar » Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:34 pm

That's why I talked about kill steals first. Whats the objective in HA. It's assault mode where the first TEAM gets 200 points. When everyone worries about they're own personal stats in a casual game it creates drama. Max you're a perfect example because I have seen you retaliate against others because they "stole" your kill.
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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby Bailey » Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:31 pm

We don't need more admins, we need more non-admins using xfire
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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby (SWGO)Max » Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:18 pm

Bailey wrote:We don't need more admins, we need more non-admins using xfire

i started doing that this week. i believe i have added all admins that are active to my xfire account. i now take screen shots and will xfire an admin whenever trouble comes up.
col, you are correct. while i am definitley not the worst offender i am guilty of retaliating for kill steal. but i have enough sense to not bring down my TEAM by team killing which results in minus points
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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby SWINE FLU » Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:27 am

Do you know what really annoys me? No? Let me tell you. People who tell admins to play more and for longer obviously don't realise that many of us have families to look after and a life outside SWBF2 that needs more attention than the latest idiot glitching. Sounds harsh, but it's true. Sometimes, playing more just isn't possible. I've been trying to play more this past week because of all of the complaints, but only for a few hours.

I've never been on X-Fire when there wasn't another admin around and I'm usually online for 5 hours. I look at reports on these forums, look at the time and think: I was online at this time... so was Minas. Why didn't they report it to us for a quicker punishment? Honestly, guys, X-Fire and Steam are your friends use them.

Rant over.

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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby Col. Hstar » Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:54 am

SWINE FLU wrote:Do you know what really annoys me? No? Let me tell you. People who tell admins to play more and for longer obviously don't realise that many of us have families to look after and a life outside SWBF2 that needs more attention than the latest idiot glitching. Sounds harsh, but it's true. Sometimes, playing more just isn't possible. I've been trying to play more this past week because of all of the complaints, but only for a few hours..

How dare you.
Can't you guys see. It's impossible to have fun in the game when I'm just about to bust out the most radical move on some helpless Darth Maul, and some punk teammate of mine throws their light-saber stealing my kill, and making my miss my point. Had I gotten to score my kill I would have progressed even higher in the brackets of this 8 year old game.
Kindly remember that you're job is to serve and protect us from all the big bad noobs out there. You're families should have realized that you admins have a responsibility to the community...the SWGO community. :whistling:
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Re: Get more admins or something

Postby theavengers85 » Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:57 pm

Col. Homestar wrote:
SWINE FLU wrote:Do you know what really annoys me? No? Let me tell you. People who tell admins to play more and for longer obviously don't realise that many of us have families to look after and a life outside SWBF2 that needs more attention than the latest idiot glitching. Sounds harsh, but it's true. Sometimes, playing more just isn't possible. I've been trying to play more this past week because of all of the complaints, but only for a few hours..

How dare you.
Can't you guys see. It's impossible to have fun in the game when I'm just about to bust out the most radical move on some helpless Darth Maul, and some punk teammate of mine throws their light-saber stealing my kill, and making my miss my point. Had I gotten to score my kill I would have progressed even higher in the brackets of this 8 year old game.
Kindly remember that you're job is to serve and protect us from all the big bad noobs out there. You're families should have realized that you admins have a responsibility to the community...the SWGO community. :whistling:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously guys, we have really great admins here. Go look into some other communities, and see how admining is done (hint: usually not as good as here).
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