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Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:14 pm
by haasd0gg
Center mass. Keep pulling til you hear click.
That's how you defend your life.

Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:38 pm
by FaiL.?
Wait what? Footage and eyewitness accounts showed that the kid actually had his hands up, was unarmed, and facing the cop, and the guy unloaded 6 bullets on him. I don't care what any of you say, one bullet, (as a last resort) is enough, not six. Six is overkill . And yes, yes, I know that the kid was 6 foot 4 and almost 300 lbs, but he did have his hands up.
And it's not just that that has pissed off everybody, it's also that the policeman hasn't been arrested yet for this. He's on paid leave. Policeman or not, you kill someone like that, you answer for it. Aaaaand, with all these protests, the cops need to cool off with the riot control. If you guys pay attention to the news and the journalists, you see/hear about some startling things. Like, the cops aren't wearing any identification. They're arresting/abusing random people and journalists, on film. Tear gas. Rubber bullets. These goddamn SWAT teams have armored vehicles and Grenade launchers. In what universe are those necessary?
This event just shows again that there is still a large racial boundary between black and white. I hope that all becomes peaceful soon.

Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:46 pm
by Bryant
FaiL.? wrote:Wait what? Footage and eyewitness accounts showed that the kid actually had his hands up, was unarmed, and facing the cop, and the guy unloaded 6 bullets on him. I don't care what any of you say, one bullet, (as a last resort) is enough, not six. Six is overkill . And yes, yes, I know that the kid was 6 foot 4 and almost 300 lbs, but he did have his hands up.
And it's not just that that has pissed off everybody, it's also that the policeman hasn't been arrested yet for this. He's on paid leave. Policeman or not, you kill someone like that, you answer for it. Aaaaand, with all these protests, the cops need to cool off with the riot control. If you guys pay attention to the news and the journalists, you see/hear about some startling things. Like, the cops aren't wearing any identification. They're arresting/abusing random people and journalists, on film. Tear gas. Rubber bullets. These goddamn SWAT teams have armored vehicles and Grenade launchers. In what universe are those necessary?
This event just shows again that there is still a large racial boundary between black and white. I hope that all becomes peaceful soon.

Apparently you have a really bad source of information. The 'kid', 18, was high on marijuana, robbed a store, beat up the cop (he has broken bones), was apparently rushing the cop when he was shot (shot multiple times because he would not stop - one bullet is not always enough), a dozen witnesses collaborate the cop's story. There's something called defense... He hasn't been arrested because you have to show that he committed a crime (murder not defense, and enough proof to get a warrant). And since it sounds like the investigation is supporting the cop, it would be illegal to arrest him.

And for the riot control. There is massive looting, Molotov cocktails being thrown at police. It's very difficult to be on the side of the protesters when they have no regard for the law or justice.

There is no 'racial boundary' - race baiters are the worse. Always, trying to stir up hate and gain political favor - keeping the blacks in line so that they don't dare leave the Democratic party.

Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:49 pm
by Son
FaiL.? wrote:Wait what? Footage and eyewitness accounts showed that the kid actually had his hands up, was unarmed, and facing the cop, and the guy unloaded 6 bullets on him. I don't care what any of you say, one bullet, (as a last resort) is enough, not six. Six is overkill . And yes, yes, I know that the kid was 6 foot 4 and almost 300 lbs, but he did have his hands up.
And it's not just that that has pissed off everybody, it's also that the policeman hasn't been arrested yet for this. He's on paid leave. Policeman or not, you kill someone like that, you answer for it. Aaaaand, with all these protests, the cops need to cool off with the riot control. If you guys pay attention to the news and the journalists, you see/hear about some startling things. Like, the cops aren't wearing any identification. They're arresting/abusing random people and journalists, on film. Tear gas. Rubber bullets. These goddamn SWAT teams have armored vehicles and Grenade launchers. In what universe are those necessary?
This event just shows again that there is still a large racial boundary between black and white. I hope that all becomes peaceful soon.

Witnesses never lie? The guy with Brown has lied already to authorities. Lets say that the cop is an average shooter who is "executing" this guy. The suspects arms are raised in surrender. The cop would have to be a terrible shot to have only hit his arm and then put 2 in the head to finish him off. Oh... and my 10 year old can hit an 8" target with a pistol at 30 feet at least 50% of the time so I would imagine that the police officer should be able to hit a man's torso at least 50%.

A picture of the family's autopsy can be found here. Most of the wounds indicated are on the right arm. If you imagine someone running towards you, with their arms moving, you can even see how the entry wounds on his arm line up with those on his upper torso.

Now if, the officer's story is true and Brown attacked him while the officer was exiting his vehicle then Brown forfeited his right to live as soon as he went for the gun and struck the officer. I'm not saying that this is the case since I can't find info to verify that. If the officer's story isn't true, then the officer will be found guilty I'm sure. However, since the autopsy reports seem to back up the officer's version more than the lying witnesses version, I tend to believe the officer in this case.

Six shots are not overkill. If someone were to break into my house and threaten me or my family I am going to be damn sure that the threat is over with when I empty my firearm, reload and then empty it again. Anyone stupid enough to threaten the well being of an individual loses their rights to live. If you don't like the consequences of your actions, then perhaps you should think a little before you commit a crime.

Why do people blame the cops for being over zealous in doing their job when nobody blames the rioters, who by the way, are breaking the laws and causing destruction to property and other people? Even the reporters have to listen to the police and leave an area if told to do so.

The police need the extra fire power to deal with dumbasses who can't follow the laws. Its rather simple these days to have an arsenal that can out gun police officers if they only have handguns. Aaaand as for the armored vehicle, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you are stuck near some violent gunmen you will be damned thankful that the officers have that armored vehicle to pull your ass out.

Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:32 pm
FaiL.? wrote:Wait what? Footage and eyewitness accounts ....

Footage?? What footage? That statement alone tells me you are being led around by lies and liars. Let's see this "footage".

Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:10 pm
by FaiL.?
Hey guys, I'm meaning no disrespect, so calm yourselves. I just listen to BBC and CNN, and nothing was said about him being high. As for footage, people took footage on their cell phones. And there was another witness who was speaking this morning on CNN who said that Brown's friend was outside the police cruiser and the cop tried to grab his throat, and both boys ran away. As they were running away the cop fired 2 rounds from his gun and Brown stopped. He turned around, gripping his waist. He took 2 steps toward the cop, holding his stomach, and the cop shot him again with 4 more bullets. That was another eyewitness account. I'm only writing what I've heard on the news, no speculation.
I mean no disrespect in the forums, so let's all calm down a little bit. Despite what the kid did, no family deserves to lose a son. I would just like to see this case go to a Grand Jury, and the investigation to shed some light on what's happened.

Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 4:00 pm
FaiL.? wrote:Hey guys, I'm meaning no disrespect, so calm yourselves. I just listen to BBC and CNN, and nothing was said about him being high. As for footage, people took footage on their cell phones. And there was another witness who was speaking this morning on CNN who said that Brown's friend was outside the police cruiser and the cop tried to grab his throat, and both boys ran away. As they were running away the cop fired 2 rounds from his gun and Brown stopped. He turned around, gripping his waist. He took 2 steps toward the cop, holding his stomach, and the cop shot him again with 4 more bullets. That was another eyewitness account. I'm only writing what I've heard on the news, no speculation.
I mean no disrespect in the forums, so let's all calm down a little bit. Despite what the kid did, no family deserves to lose a son. I would just like to see this case go to a Grand Jury, and the investigation to shed some light on what's happened.

a) there is no footage
b) dude wasn't a kid
c) those eyewitness reports conflict with other eyewitness reports which conflict with the autopsy results
d) CNN has an agenda that conflicts with news reporting
e) No one is going to grab a 6'4" 300lb man by the throat and jerk him through a car window
f) you do realize that the original primary witness is also the same guy who was an accomplice to the deceased in a strong armed robbery 15 minutes earlier?

Michael Brown is dead and from what I can see from the video of him in the convenience store, that is a good thing. He wasn't going to live long anyway doing what he was doing. And to celebrate his death, his friends and neighbors now have free stuff that they stole and one less Quiktrip convenience store in their neighborhood. Good job to all involved.

If you want to feel sorry for anyone, feel sorry for the people who are trying to clean up the mess from all the looting and rioting. I can't begin to imagine the frustration these people must feel trying to exist in a society where the people you're surrounded by just won't allow it to happen.

Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 5:09 pm
by haasd0gg
I'd just like to throw this tidbit in, in regards to how many times he was shot:
Deadly force is only used when an individual feels their life is in danger. You aim for center mass and keep firing. Anyone who thinks its a good idea to shoot a knee or a shoulder has watched too many crime dramas.

Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:51 pm
by Mirky
Another thing you could say is this, it is unbelievable quick and easy to shoot off 6 rounds of ammo in a handgun. A semi-auto is nice and quick. :gun_bandana:

Re: You know you've played too long when...

PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:57 pm
by FaiL.?
Yes, but has that is the ultimate question in this event! Was the officer actually feeling like he was in danger??? According to journalists and witnesses, Brown was running away! Then he was shot twice in the head, then other times later. But that is what everyone is trying to find out my friends! Did he actually pose a threat?