Mercenary Gaming News

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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Col. Hstar » Thu May 17, 2012 2:25 pm

I'm starting to understand the animosity towards Merc. That guy is an arrogant little poo.

Me thinks that you are jealous of the popularity of SWGO, it's cutting into your "revenue". In the real life people who feel the need to put down others, are usually overcompensating for their own insecurirties yeah the servers may be rented, but given the choice I would rather play with someone whose head is not stuck up his own...
Go back to your servers, and do everyone a favor and keep your dog Ariel from pooing on the lawn.
Last edited by Col. Hstar on Thu May 17, 2012 3:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Commander Sparrow » Thu May 17, 2012 2:26 pm

[merc]Devilaza wrote:Ah one reply which is decent and another being the usual, i like this. In reply to your comment Sparrow how would you say my comment was pretentious?

Apart from my comments being a usual attempt to be humorous, I see you actually want me to explain myself now. God damn this wasn't in my plan!

You're posting on a forum with a bunch of gamers who before, and recently stated that they just don't care about Merc and it's tea parties. With that knowledge, you still decided to make a post when Merc has zero importance here. Therefor, it possesses some pretentious feel... here and there. So, yeah.

And 40 is right, if the post was made like that, it'd be more SWGO friendly. You know, cool and casual?
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby haasd0gg » Thu May 17, 2012 3:52 pm

[merc]Devilaza wrote:Howdy gents, nice to see we are all getting along in the [poo] XD just a few points, JD was on last night and has said he wishes to play most nights, work permitting but hey who gives a flying f***, what some people forget is Merc is a multigame community with most of our revenue coming from cod and moh, swbf2 a bit on the side the server is still full most days and im sure most of the SWGO admins don't want me to bring up how you guys stay top XD and hey renting from game servers must mean you have to jump through some serious hoops to get anything done!

But anyway at least we're straight on a few things. I'd like to be civil but when you get your trolls on here, jeeeze you guys call youself adults?? Even ariel holds himself with more respect than some of you guys. And also who really gives a damn as two of your members up above have staighted, as me an pan were talking about last night, it a pc game, get out of the little world of star wars and out into the real one :)

Have a good day gentlemen i have a life to run to :)

Here's the thing: merc needs to post their news on their own site. If SWGO members want to know about merc they will go to your site. Open invite to a game night might have been met with a different response.
How SWGO stays on top?... that's funny. We just are, and we were when we were still part of WGO. I would attribute it to jba being the best server since its conception, but I don't research these things.
Our servers are rented because we are a community that relies on donations to keep running. If there was no interest, there would be no SWGO. We don't purport to be have a copy rite or be trademarked. We also don't argue about who's in charge or change leadership.
Good luck with your "business". We play games here.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby mrjamwin » Thu May 17, 2012 4:51 pm

[merc]Devilaza wrote:Ah one reply which is decent and another being the usual, i like this. In reply to your comment Sparrow how would you say my comment was pretentious?

Hey if you don't like what I'm posting then screw off and leave. Now quit crying and go back to being nurse feed at Merc.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby The Master » Thu May 17, 2012 5:37 pm

Why is everyone so mad? mrjamwin and Col you both ate reacting so angry to just a bulletin. Lets everyone just chill
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Nightrider » Thu May 17, 2012 5:44 pm

I agree with Beuno.

Instead of everyone saying how mad they are at merc on each page. I think we got the point through on the 1st page. It's much easier just to lock the thread. Lesson learned.

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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Col. Hstar » Thu May 17, 2012 5:49 pm

Bueno Player wrote:Why is everyone so mad? mrjamwin and Col you both ate reacting so angry to just a bulletin. Lets everyone just chill

? I'm not sure how you read angry into my posts. I would say that I strongy disagreed :innocent: with Ariel's claim that SWGO members were harassing Merc members. Then he went and lied trying to say he was a messenger who came of his own accord :wacko: I saved my strongest words for the stupidity and arrogance shown by Merc Devilin. Like Haasdog said, he should be running his business in his own forums, and just let us play the games
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby IJO sha-quan-jone » Thu May 17, 2012 6:54 pm

It would seem that several of these merc guys are jackasses and give the rest of merc a bad name, while in reality some of them are good people, its the fact that they try and use big words and talk like civilized people, which in turn makes the less educated feel like they are being jackasses.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Ariel » Thu May 17, 2012 7:06 pm

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

Congratulations to the forum trolls of SWGO!

We are pleased to announce that you have won the prestigious award of "Proving Absolutely Nothing."

This award is given annually to the best--and only the best--trolls who use far too many words to say absolutely nothing of relevance or importance.

We here in the real world would like to thank you for the active role you play in doing absolutely nothing of value.

Please, continue your amazing feats of trolling so that these forums can be kept bare of anything even resembling wholesomeness, value, and good, old-fashioned courtesy.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

I mean, come on...seriously. You all just proved my point. :stupid: This whole thread is full of nothing but SWGO members trolling merc because I mentioned the clan in a news post.

To insinuate that I "instigated" anything is sheer foolishness. Nothing I said was offensive or derogatory towards anyone or any organization. If you found what JD said offensive, then go troll HIM on xfire.

Thank you for your time. Any admin who may see the need to lock this post has my total support and agreement.
Last edited by Ariel on Thu May 17, 2012 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mercenary Gaming News

Postby Ariel » Thu May 17, 2012 7:11 pm

IJO sha-quan-jone wrote:in reality some of them are good people, its the fact that they try and use big words and talk like civilized people, which in turn makes the less educated feel like they are being jackasses.

He brings up a good point. :clap: I couldn't agree more.

So how mono-syllabic would everyone like me to keep my posts from now on? And trust me, this IS the lower level of my vocabulary. I could quite literally make my posts unintelligible to the common forum reader if I wanted to.
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