
All information and activities related to SWBF2


Postby Sketchup » Fri Jun 04, 2010 5:43 am

I was wondering if anyone could fill me in on what's been going on in the SWBFII community in the last seven months. I was just getting ready to crank this game up and resume my domination when my computer crashed. This will extend my haitus (I would spell that word right if my iPhone had proper spell check) for a good while, if not indefinitely.

However, (Sorry to dissappoint you Koko) I'm not ready to say good bye yet though, determined to find a way to play this game again. I lack an operational disc for this game, and am currently forced to play games that are Mac compatible (eww!). Hopefully, my pirate skills and computer building skills will prevail.

Anyway, typing on this God forsaken iphone is beginning to get annoying, so I will cut to the chase.
What's been going on lately?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Well....

Postby KOko » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:01 am

lol, I love seeing my name mentioned with no reason at all. I AM FAMOUS! :clap:

to fill you in... last few months we (@SWGO) had some issues with our server box and lost some of the regular JBA players, but lately we moved to new server and now we got our strong players base back. We got definitely the most popular servers again!
Other popular servers like Arrows and GFAQ lost their popularity (this had happened on a regular basis before), so most no-force players went to GMRZ and thats the saddest part of the latest history. This made it possible for LR server to become popular again, but the player base is not as good as before. Both Arrows and GFAQ try to do some comeback, so we will see...
The lack of appropriate admin support on non-SWGO servers usually makes playing there not so funny.

So.... filled in enough ?
Retired member of SWGO 2006~2011.
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Re: Well....

Postby Sketchup » Fri Jun 04, 2010 3:48 pm

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