I was on SWBF2 today and found a SWGO test No force EU server. I was wondering if this was an official test?
So with all curiosity I took a look. I have to say that a No Force server could be a brilliant server for SWGO. There was hardly any lag for WhiTeShAdoWs or me.
Also, in my opinion, SWGO having a NF server could bring in lots new SWGO server players and members. Seeing as SWGO has a better reputation than the Arrows server we could have lots of players. I enjoyed playing the 10 minutes I had on the server because I had no lag, no Arrows person making strange remarks or a laggy, modded GMRZ server.
There were just two problems I personally had with the server and that's that it had bots and there was a rule breaker or two. Yet, overall I think a No force FFA server for SWGO could be a brilliant idea.