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Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:46 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
Ok im posting this to end the endless discusion.
i posted this to find out what is worse PULL or CHOKE?
now if i get sucesffull answer 2 this i might add things like campers or spawn killers?
but lets stick 2 this for now.

PS. i want opions 2 see what you think not "your a pull noob valen and your a choke noob ...."
i just wanna see what you guys find worse cos they are both bad

Re: Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:57 pm
Pull is the easiest. There is no one I can't kill if I use it. Choke just makes people mad because there's nothing you can do about it once you've been snagged.

Re: Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:58 pm
by Chin
Pullers, Choke is not bad.

Spawn killers.

But just because you have an annoying strategy that you exploit, it doesn't necessarily make you a noob.
Unless you're leggz.

Re: Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:11 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
by my view it depends pull campers are defently the ultimate noobs especialy on the tower in Mos eisly
but when your face 2 face 2 your oponent than pull is fair as in my view if your fast and skilled you can block pull
But you cant block choke so in a face 2 face battle choke is really unfair.
and even if your pulled you can still escape or die trying if your being choked you paralised and you lose health you normally cant escape it
i sometimes do but its very rare and it depends on the skill of the choker.
i hate the most VADER he has the fastes sprint in the game he can choke and he floats he can also air choke so pullers are no math vs him

Re: Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:26 pm
by Jango_Fred
You are asking our "opinion"... and my opinion is "It is ALL fair game. Spawn Camping is really cheap....BUT IT IS SOOOOO EASY to just spawn somewhere else. Don't like pullers? Play the angles, play defense, be observant and watch out for the pullers so they can't pull you. Don't like choke? Neither do I. I don't call someone choking noob.... I just run so they can't choke.

I guess what I find most annoying are people who complain about choke and pull and spawn camping.

And you really think this one discussion is going to put an ultimate end to the discussion?

Re: Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:21 pm
by mrjamwin
Let's just PRETEND that if this was real life and we all had these powers. You're telling me that you wouldn't exploit the crap out them to win? If not, you're only option is death.

Re: Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:10 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
mrjamwin wrote:Let's just PRETEND that if this was real life and we all had these powers. You're telling me that you wouldn't exploit the crap out them to win? If not, you're only option is death.

:punk: :punk: :punk: :clap: :clap: :clap:
true man i whould expliot everthing to win for example i dont choke cos it seems unfair 2 me but if i get spawn kiled by campers than i choke 2 be able 2 kill them

Re: Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:51 am
by Corpse
You tried that with me last night Val, didn't work. :whistling:

I don't really like being killed. Many other players like it even less than I. If people get killed, they look for a way to excuse their failure. Calling someone a "Choke noob" or "Pull noob" or "Spawn killer" is one of these excuses. In the end, it is the dead player's failure to adapt to the situation which leads to their demise. The only "noobs" are the players that attach negative connotations to different playing styles. (Except CB, since the developers screwed us all over with that.)

Re: Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:33 am
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
well the worst thing that ever happend well i got angry and for once i was on a rampage so i took a puller put myself on the tower and stated pulling every ville that wanted on.
so they came in groups it was so bad that i got damage reduction in the end i juped of and i was followed by 3 vaders and a anikin
ferrari was there he might remember so they chaught me so i was sorownded and they choked me 2 death by choking all at the same time!!!

Re: Who is the bigger noob?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:32 am
by samonuh
Both are pretty nooby in No Force FFA :P If I were ever to play in HA I suppose it'd be choke that is noobier. I can kill someone who pulls me, but once someone chokes you, you're their kill.