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push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:40 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
well i come across some strange things latly....
i know have a guy who knows a trick that makes him instan recover from a push.....
he claimes that KREN does it all the time....

is this legal?

and if so does anyone know how 2?

Re: push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:32 pm
by (SWGO)Kren interested to know how I do that btw and this is news to me? Saying that though it's not the first time or last time someone will indicate this about a player.



Re: push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:39 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
(SWGO)Kren interested to know how I do that btw and this is news to me? Saying that though it's not the first time or last time someone will indicate this about a player.



em sorry but i dont quite get what you mean....

Re: push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:17 pm
by Matt-Chicago
I've heard of it but never really investigated.
Bots can do it so I'm guessing players can too.

Sometimes you recover quickly if you click jump at the right time, or hit a wall.

Re: push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:21 pm
by (SWGO)Kren
I would be interested in knowing exactly how I recover so fast as that is new to me. From my perspective with the lag and all I recover slower not faster.

Re: push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:37 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
(SWGO)Kren wrote:I would be interested in knowing exactly how I recover so fast as that is new to me. From my perspective with the lag and all I recover slower not faster.

well i never saw you doing it this player sayed me that as long you do it he will.
so i though that if this were true u chould say so.
i saw it yself and its the same way bots recover.
and sometimes end up teleporting in that recovery

Re: push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:39 pm
by Flyswamper
Taking this on a tangent and taking the spotlight OFF of Kren....

From my long-ago-forgotten days of playing, there did seem to be some players that had a surprising ability to recover from a push/pull and get back up and escape your attack. Now....I know if the attacker makes a mistake in his approach/attack then all bets are off....but there were some guys that seem to have an ability that I never figured out. Was never sure if it was just better ping (I'm in Canada....) or if they were doing something special (autohotkey macro?) or what...

It did always seem to happen ONLY with those players that had invested tons of hours in the game and usually had a bit of an attitude/ego issue about themselves... ... so I never bothered asking anybody about it till now.

All I knew is that once I encountered these guys, I might as well resort to the double push or double/triple pull or they'd escape from attacks when I didn't think they they should be able to...

Is there any wisdom out there on how best to escape that can be taught to an old dog?

Re: push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:45 pm
by Scrumtralescent
(SWGO)Kren interested to know how I do that btw and this is news to me? Saying that though it's not the first time or last time someone will indicate this about a player.



You should take it as a compliment. I've had several players lately accuse me of hacking/glitching/cheating and so on, which I take to mean that they're frustrated that they usually die when they try to fight me. The players who are actually worth an damn and know what they're talking about know you and other reputable players don't do this stuff.

As far as this specific bug, it's happened to me before and I just attribute it to lag.

Re: push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:48 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
Scrumtralescent wrote:You should take it as a compliment. I've had several players lately accuse me of hacking/glitching/cheating and so on, which I take to mean that they're frustrated that they usually die when they try to fight me. The players who are actually worth an damn and know what they're talking about know you and other reputable players don't do this stuff.

yea i know what u mean....
i have been called lager glicher and cheater before....alwayes turns out 2 be a mayer lag......
but yet every time u kill somone they alwayes come with a "your a cheater" excuse...
so mostly i just :gun_bandana: :gun_bandana: :gun_bandana: give em some more/.....

in the end they mosly rage quit after a while. :lol: :lol: :lol: if they dont.... :gun_bandana: :gun_bandana: :gun_bandana:

Re: push recovery bug/glich?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 10:03 pm
by Flyswamper
Lag definitely explains much of these occurrences. However, I'm not so sure it explains the situations where I've seen one player consistently able to escape where others normally wouldn't be able to....

I always wondered about these guys and situation....but never asked. I guess I figured it was just something like they had learned to center-block and I didnt' yet know the trick....