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Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:33 pm
So im sure a bunch of you guys hvae noticed this over the past week or so, but mercanry gaming has made a blold move in moving their server limit up to 40. Playing on the server i notice the experience was hectic and chaotic, an experience I know ive wanted for a while. While it was midly laggy, it was very fun. Ive also notice over the past week or so, that the number of people or mercanry is going up and the number of people on JBa is going down. Not by Much, in no way is it threatening the serves rep, jsut the servers reputation as number 1. So my question to all of you is, what are we gonna do about this???? Do we risk increasing the max people, sacrificing good gameplay/less people for mildlagg/more people?? There are other things we can do also, like with my very first post, I suggested varying maps more. Also, how would increasing the bot max do vs increasing human player? let me know what you guys think,


Re: Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:09 pm
by Corpse
JBA will be ahead of Merc for as long as I can see into the future. In fact, I did notice that JBA's player numbers were down a bit, but SP was fuller, not Merc. I don't think making their server laggier will make them more popular.

Re: Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:14 pm
I hvae noticed that Sp was fuller but that was ust for a couple days a month ago. Take it from someone who plays every day, Mercanary (on this rate) will become more popular than JBA. I do not think however, that JAB will fall behind 2nd place in server status.

Server List:

Re: Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:27 pm
by Matt-Chicago
Merc has been more full than JBA and is gaining on us.

I looked up their host a while back, and their server is a lot better than ours (spec wise) but they also pay a whole lot more than we do.

I'm not sure what we do about this...

Re: Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:32 pm
by WD-40
To beef up the number of allowed players will most likely cause more lag issues, thereby chasing players away if it gets too bad. If we somehow acquire a better server or something comparable, what would be the cost? What does Merc pay?

As a start, however, I am all for increasing the number of maps in 'our' rotation (what is Merc's rotation number?). I've had Naboo Hunt and others asked for tonight that were not on the rotation list. This would likely attract more players and/or keep them around JBA.

Re: Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:53 pm
Agreed. One of the most requested maps ive heard of is Hoth 1flag. I myself played that numerous times back in 1.0 and it was probably the funnest map for me. More maps would only be a good thing.

Re: Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:58 pm
Heres an idea: set up an entirely different server like an XL server under the SWGO name, and see how it does in a week or 2 weeks or a month. If it proves to be an unpopular server, we boycott the idea of having a higher max human on JBA

Re: Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:52 am
Well I looked at some of SP's threads they had one that one "New Maps?" and they talk about feedback from new additions to the playlist and they add and take off from reviews from the public. You guys should check it and maybe gain some newer ideas for map playlists additions.

Also did merc's server have their 10 AI still?

Re: Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:57 pm
by Dr.Doom
Why check SP's? Why not create our own and put it up in Announcements (at the top)? Besides, it looks like SP's site is down ( - NOTICE: This domain name expired on 11/01/2010 and is pending renewal or deletion).

Re: Mercanary Gaming Moves server max to 40

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:33 pm
by Dr.Doom
More on this since I have a few mins. :stupid:

One thing about SP's server: as an SP member, my experience is that the control of what maps are run is held pretty tightly by Striker. There may be others that are involved (i.e., Admiral, Maxx, even Garret shot right up there), but the maps are not changed up for months at a time. Despite the good ping, people are gonna drift away as a result. I think Merc is really benefitting from that.

I have to say that I started playing on Merc's server a couple a weeks ago, and I like it a lot. Both the map selection and performance are just fine for me. Note that I use the word performance, not ping, which is really a performance variable. That might be related to the price differential.

For me, SWGO's map selection is just fine, but as in SP's case, you need to change the cycle routinely to keep things interesting.

Last thing, I think this is great! Three servers with a large, dedicated group of regular players for a 5-6 year old game! And nubs continue to pick it up off of the $8 discount rack! :clap: