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JBA Mygeeto & Kashyyk

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 1:13 pm
by Snipesalot

I was playing JBA today and it cycled through the maps, but i realised Mygeeto is gone. I don't know if this is new or not, or if it diddn't go through the cycle, if it has been removed, or just doen't come up as much, i vote that it should be on fairly frequently.

Also, since i have posted this, i realised it's the same deal with Kashyyk, it was in the cycle, and despite it says it is in it, i haven't seen either of these maps in JBA for ages.

What does everyone else think?

Re: JBA Mygeeto

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:35 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
i love this map.
Its in my top 3 of favorite maps.
Both hoth and mygeeto should be played more often.

The problem is tankers peaple hate them.
This reduces popularety.

Re: JBA Mygeeto

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:54 pm
Welcome back, Snipes.

I think Mygeeto is a great map. I've recently started playing JBA again, and I'd love to see Mygeeto in the rotation. Out of interest, what is the current rotation?

Re: JBA Mygeeto

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:20 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
okay SWINE and snipe.

Mygeeto is in rotacion.

the thing is rotacion is kinda made for popular closed maps.

i see jabbas palace 3 times before seeing Mygeeto.

the popular maps are

-jabbas palace

unpopulars are(meaning they appear less)

-Yavin4(maby soon endor :punk: :punk: )
-pollis massa

personally i love the populars less than the unpopulars(exept mustafar that map is great)

peaple hate 3 kinda maps

1- tank maps due to tanker noobs(also due to the absence of WD-40 as miner) or especially when hes the tanker :lol:
2- Sniper maps are hated as well peaple whith skill pick of new players...this makes em rage quit
3- Nature maps as yavin4 because you cant see a thing....and there are places where you cant escape

Re: JBA Mygeeto

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:25 pm
(SWGO)MinasThirith wrote:okay SWINE and snipe.

Mygeeto is in rotacion.

Is it really? I obviously haven't played that map :lol:

Re: JBA Mygeeto

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:35 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
i think i playes like once every 2 hours depending on how fast peaple play....

If 1 teams consists of noobs that map can pass in a bathroom brake.

Also i was in a team of great players once...we played the death star..
we conquered it in exactly 2 minutes....the admin pressent restarted that map due to passing so fast :lol: :lol:
i think it must have been WD-40 or Bigleo

Re: JBA Mygeeto

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:48 pm
by Matt-Chicago
I like Mygeeto as well, and it is in the rotation.
Here is the current JBA rotation:
/addmap mus1c_con
/addmap tat3c_con
/addmap dea1g_con
/addmap tan1g_con
/addmap cor1c_con
/addmap geo1c_con
/addmap tat2g_con
/addmap pol1g_con
/addmap spa6c_1flag
/addmap tan1c_con
/addmap kam1g_con
/addmap nab2g_con
/addmap dea1c_con
/addmap hot1g_con
/addmap mus1g_con
/addmap tat3g_con
/addmap yav1c_con
/addmap cor1g_con
/addmap myg1g_con
/addmap kas2g_con
/addmap tan1c_1flag
/addmap uta1g_con
/addmap hot1g_hunt

Re: JBA Mygeeto

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:39 pm
by Snipesalot
Thanks for all the replies, you say people hate sniper maps, but geonoseis is on quite a bit, which is great for sniping. Great for me, i got 26 kills and 6 deaths from just sniping today :lol:

Great thanks for the info though.

Re: JBA Mygeeto

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:42 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
Snipesalot wrote:geonoseis is on quite a bit

Its on 1 time on every cycle thats hardly much
the thing is if you go online 3 diffrent times and you are about to hit geonosis in this cycle well than it appears it is much...

In the past 3 dayes ive been trying to get on hoth whith WD-40 as rebels...sadly i failed :-|

i hit geonosis 4 times in this time...yet in the cycle GEO apears 1 time :dots: