Abuse of power by your admins
Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 10:12 pm
ONE more thing, That guy who banned me for my name did so after i had said i would change my name which is what was asked of my by him,...so i change my name and find that i am banned, i guess this little prick had a personal grudge against me, sad to think that this person has the right to infringe on other peoples freedoms, real professional...so i guess after this kind of treatment im supposed to come crawling back like nothing happened, instead i get further difficulties from your admins, im a bit discouraged that star wars fans are such pieces of [poo]...what is funny is you retards expect to be respected after such actions which is complete bull [poo]....you think that just cuz you are in a position of power over others that you can do what ever you want....
its idiot litigious americans like you that make our prison system the largest in the world...if you think saying i hope X happens to you.... is something that should get me in trouble IN A FREE SOCIETY you are an idiot, and certainly not a freedom loving american, as you probably claim to be...
what are you saying that i know better than... i mean certainly saying things i hope something happens is hardly a crime but like i said ass hole control freaks like you are nothing but [m'kay] pieces of [poo] and that fbi agent of yours is nothing but a [m'kay] [female dog] who is probably corrupt himself...i guess your little fbi friend got up set because of my name and HAD to take action against me even thought i had that name for a long time....my name was a reference to a song certainly if someone can write a song about such a topic (numerous songs in fact) and promote it though the mass media...that name should hardly be offensive. who hates the first amendment and probably the constitution, just like your little fbi friend certainly does, judging by his organizations history, but an ignorant little [m'kay] like you wouldnt know this...
You people are pieces of [poo] who dont deserve to be alive....it would be funny if your children were abducted and sold in to a life of sex slavery....and even that would be too good for them...or i hope your home is invaded and your children and wife is raped while you are held down forced to watch, thats the least you [m'kay] ass holes deserve....
its idiot litigious americans like you that make our prison system the largest in the world...if you think saying i hope X happens to you.... is something that should get me in trouble IN A FREE SOCIETY you are an idiot, and certainly not a freedom loving american, as you probably claim to be...
what are you saying that i know better than... i mean certainly saying things i hope something happens is hardly a crime but like i said ass hole control freaks like you are nothing but [m'kay] pieces of [poo] and that fbi agent of yours is nothing but a [m'kay] [female dog] who is probably corrupt himself...i guess your little fbi friend got up set because of my name and HAD to take action against me even thought i had that name for a long time....my name was a reference to a song certainly if someone can write a song about such a topic (numerous songs in fact) and promote it though the mass media...that name should hardly be offensive. who hates the first amendment and probably the constitution, just like your little fbi friend certainly does, judging by his organizations history, but an ignorant little [m'kay] like you wouldnt know this...
You people are pieces of [poo] who dont deserve to be alive....it would be funny if your children were abducted and sold in to a life of sex slavery....and even that would be too good for them...or i hope your home is invaded and your children and wife is raped while you are held down forced to watch, thats the least you [m'kay] ass holes deserve....