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SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:34 am
by Matt-Chicago
As many of you have noticed, we are now running SWGO Hero Assault on another server.

We had some issues with our host giving away our server IP address to new customers, and last night they did it again and the new customer immediately deleted all the statistics from gametracker for Hero Assault. There is no way to recover the stats.

Since this happened, we decided to try a new host and location for SWGO Hero Assault.

The server is now hosted in New York City.
We still have the old server for now - and I've changed it to force FFA.

Let us know what you think of the new server. Also, this is your one chance to try and match Kren's score on the server. Once he gets a head start, forget about it :lol:

Re: SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:44 am
by ATCStewart
I just tried the ffa server and it was great except for the fact that there were only two people on.
Nevertheless the server is still great,

Re: SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:27 am
by (SWGO)=JAWS=Floob{havoc}

Last night I was on (SWGO) Hero Assault-TX. I assumed that was the real server. Just now, I heard from Matt that the Force FFA server, which KingLol and I investigated last night, was the real server. However, we thought that Force FFA was the fake server. So my questions are:
Is (SWGO) Hero Assault-TX an official server?
If it is not, who put it up?
And if Force FFA is the real server, does that mean it is really FFA, because this is a large change from the general SWGO teams feel.


Re: SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 11:27 am
by Son
Matt-Chicago wrote:
Let us know what you think of the new server. Also, this is your one chance to try and match Kren's score on the server. Once he gets a head start, forget about it :lol:

Ban kren :) That way he has a harder time catching up :gunsmilie: :P

Re: SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:01 pm
by Matt-Chicago
(SWGO)=JAWS=Floob{havoc} wrote:Wait...

Last night I was on (SWGO) Hero Assault-TX. I assumed that was the real server. Just now, I heard from Matt that the Force FFA server, which KingLol and I investigated last night, was the real server. However, we thought that Force FFA was the fake server. So my questions are:
Is (SWGO) Hero Assault-TX an official server?
If it is not, who put it up?
And if Force FFA is the real server, does that mean it is really FFA, because this is a large change from the general SWGO teams feel.


Both are real SWGO servers. The (SWGO) Hero Assault - TX is misnamed because of my mistake, it will soon be named (SWGO) Hero Assault - NY
The (SWGO) Force FFA is where the old regular Hero Assault was.

To make it even a little more confusing, today we'll be adding another HA server but this one in Dallas.

We will end up taking the best servers and making them permanent.

You can always check to see if it's a real SWGO server by going here: ... &Itemid=38

Re: SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:08 pm
by (SWGO)Kren
Son wrote:
Matt-Chicago wrote:
Let us know what you think of the new server. Also, this is your one chance to try and match Kren's score on the server. Once he gets a head start, forget about it :lol:

Ban kren :) That way he has a harder time catching up :gunsmilie: :P

....2 late I've already visited the server.....muagggghhhhhh :lol: :lol:

Re: SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:49 am
by StaRBarreL
Yay! i might finally have a somewhat decent connection! :clap: and i tried the FFA server, lots of fun messing around.

Re: SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:11 am
by Sir Bang
Are players supposed to get points for tk's on Force FFA? Because at the moment it says you can kill anybody including teammates but I'm a bit reluctant to do so if all you get are minus points...


Re: SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:23 am
by Corpse
Then you don't have the right attitude to play on a FFA server. It's about having fun, not getting high scores. Anyway, from what I understand we only have the FFA server until the provider decides to take it down.

Re: SWGO Hero Assault - New host

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:31 am
by Sir Bang
I just thought that it would provide a bigger incentive for people to play on it. But I guess you're right anyways. :mrgreen: