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PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:36 am
by a cake
What are the main reasons for lag? Also JBA is down because of lag. :action-smiley-043:

Re: L...A...G...

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 1:54 am
by [m'kay]
a cake wrote:What are the main reasons for lag? Also JBA is down because of lag. :action-smiley-043:

Well, you see, lag happens when you suck a lot of [Richard].

EDIT: Not going to change this even though it's uncensored. I figure that i'm doing a public service for you lot by making sure you know what words you have to touch up on. May I suggest "[heffix]" to be the censored version of this word? It'd be funny.

Re: L...A...G...

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 2:48 am
by WD-40
Funny... My auto correct for 'Narg' came up 'Barf' :lol:
Narg, personally, I don't mind the "m'kays" from your posts as I have come to expect it. But your response was way 'infantile', despite the deliberate evasion of censor to prove a point that would have been better servered in a PM to Matt or Hass. I thought you'd avoid sinking even that low and crossing a 'bright line' which I rank down there with Sufan's Leia comment. :roll:

I'd suggest an apology. As that is NOT the kinda crap I like, or want to read on these forums, and if not controllable, then that individual should no longer post here!

Now, aside from Anatomy, 'Lag' is simply a 'delay'. We all experience it at different levels, sometimes when we don't realize it's happening. It's information sent back and forth between you and the server. It is also that same information between the 'other players' and the server that may not be 'shared' accurately or slowly that causes 'lag', which can either allow you to 'live' when you shoulda died; or died when you shoulda lived. Ever do a perfect head shot with a missile and they lived? Or throw a mine down, yet they go right over it and it didn't detonate? Those are examples of information packets not sending or arriving properly, resulting in a screwed up result. Slow computers, crappy graphics cards, poor Internet, distance between your computer and the actual game server, or problems with the actual game server can cause it.

Re: L...A...G...

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 3:52 am
by [m'kay]
WD-40 wrote:Funny... My auto correct for 'Narg' came up 'Barf' :lol:
Narg, personally, I don't mind the "m'kays" from your posts as I have come to expect it. But your response was way 'infantile', despite the deliberate evasion of censor to prove a point that would have been better servered in a PM to Matt or Hass. I thought you'd avoid sinking even that low and crossing a 'bright line' which I rank down there with Sufan's Leia comment. :roll:

I'd suggest an apology. As that is NOT the kinda crap I like, or want to read on these forums, and if not controllable, then that individual should no longer post here!

It wasn't exactly deliberate. I wrote it, did a preview to see if it was censored, saw it wasn't, put it in there. And honestly, if the word "[Richard]" terrifies you so much that you consider it to be up there with expressing the desire for someone to be raped, you may want to get yourself checked out. And also, you may want to acquaint yourself with the fact that trolls are not here to be nice. I mean really, it's as if you people occasionally forget that my main purpose here is to piss you lot off. Also, what the [m'kay] is a bright line?

Re: L...A...G...

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 4:11 am
by Duel of Fates
Don't be a [Richard] Narg.

Re: L...A...G...

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 4:27 am
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
Duel of Fates wrote:Don't be a [heffix] Narg.

Fixed :lol:

But i do agree with WD on this, altough you generally behave, but when it comes to younger players you can be a annoying [heffix].
Now generally i don't mind your trolling on Stupid posts, that:

1- Make no sense
2- Are to complain about something
3- it's to early in the morning to think about it

But this post is a post that makes sense, and it's a legit question....

Now like WD sayed Lag is delay, generally lag is caused due to high ping.
ping is measured in MS, so having 100ms ping, it means you take 1 second to connect to the server, so if somone has 50Ms ping he will be 0.5 seconds faster.
I tested this, and it is so in other games that 1 second means, life or dead(especially when sniping).

Re: L...A...G...

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 4:37 am
by Darth Crater
Not quite - 1 second equals 1000 ms. So, the guy with 100 ping is, in theory, only a frame behind the 50-ping guy. Still, it can make a difference...

Re: L...A...G...

PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:51 pm
by WD-40
Narg, use of the word '[Richard]' doesn't bother me at all. It's HOW you used it in that sentence. Young kids do get on here you know. I suppose it's not censored because [Richard] is short for Richard. Stop being a [Richard], by telling someone to $u@% one. :-| True, not as bad as 'rape', but come on! That didn't need to be said in an open forum.

A 'bright line', at least in the U.S., is a line you can't miss and know not to cross. In the military it's simply called 'a bright line policy', that is inexcusable policy or rule-breaking.

Re: L...A...G...

PostPosted: Sat Jun 04, 2011 1:04 am
by a cake
Thanks for the info guys (not you narg). :whistling: