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Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:52 pm
by ProfessorDreadNaught
Gamerz invites SWGO to a friendly competition on Thursday 8PM Eastern for any SWGO players (upto 6 actively playing) in an Triathlon format. Two rounds each of HA, Conq and Space CTF.

Participants must be registered community members wearing community tags ( either SWGO or GMRZ tags only ).
Upto 6 player per team will be accommodated and substitutions are allowed on a per round basis.
one captain per side will be responsible for coordination through in-game chat (xfire dreadnaught74 with that captain in-game name)
No Cursing or Harassment (normal trash-talk is ok, but don't get personal guys) Warn/Kick/Ban is in effect.
No glitching (no wall-hacks, no inf block, no inf choke, no choke lightning, no slow run, no inf run (link dashing, cb and darkie are allowed))
No suicide, no TK
1.x mods are allowed
spawn camping IS allowed
Server is "Gamerz GWL Competition Server" and pwd will be "playtime" (will be ready 7:45 Eastern)
4 maps in rotation: (Mos Eisley hunt is initial buffer map for coordination)
Each map is played once then repeated so each team can play both sides.
Each map has 30 second warmup period for player substitutions (NO EXTENSIONS and players CANNOT drop between maps (causes server glitches))

Hero Assault
map: Mos Eisley type: Force On
Max pullers 2 (yoda, ayalla, mundi) All gunners are allowed
Score limit is 50 - Team score is kills minus TKs.
No bots
Round 1: Gamerz starts vill

map: Hoth GCW
ticket: 250 time limit: 25 min
Tanks and turrets are allowed (assuming 6 players participate)
No bots
No heroes
Awards enabled
Round 1: Gamerz starts imp

Space CTF
map: Yavin GCW CTF
5 flags
25 min time limit
No Bots
Round 1: Gamerz starts imp

Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:20 pm
by Mandalore
y u no challenge us!

Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:33 pm
by Corpse
Playing games at midnight before school is a no-no.

Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:37 pm
Sorry, but I don't find CB/CD spamming vaguely entertaining.

Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:48 pm
by Doves
you picked hoth for the conquest map???

the map that shows the least skill, if rebs have any communication at all they win easily

Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:21 pm
by =JAWS=tom{ASN}
I am pretty good at space and HA but long time no play on normal conquest.

Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:31 pm
by (SWGO)=JAWS=Floob{havoc}
I could do these if you guys want. I'm a bit rusty at conquest and space but I could practice a bunch. Just let me know if you need me, I'll be working on conquest/space.


Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:55 pm
by Corpse
Hahaha, the only players that will be willing to play for SWGO will be younger, less able ones. Gamerz will completely destroy them.

Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:38 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
"Participants must be registered community members wearing community tags ( either SWGO or GMRZ tags only )"

Sry dread but it seems you got noone.
Almost every SWGO member or admin either has no tags, or has multiple.

I see that this chalange has been brought in the total benifit of Gmrz tough..

Re: Gamerz vs SWGO Triathlon Scrim

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:39 pm
by sinty
Typical GMRZ style

Pick the best out of each battle type and set up maps that heavily favor themselves. I'm glad I'm retired.