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i got a harrasting fan

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:03 pm
by stelio
so this is a brief story of what happends

i join the server TX , i got in the villans team.. killing heros.. normal.. there were 1 player who got really upset.. cos he keep dying his name
Le fossoyeur.. or something like this... until game end!!

next game i get the heros team.. the game just begonn!! i took wookie and a player beginn to tp harrast my wookie..... who was that player!!!!
thats right le fosssoyeaur......... he keep tp until the other t mates saw it and they help me by pushing him away...

he leff......
1 min later a new player join the game... called.. STELIO NOOB

thats right.. and guess what he continue.. tp but game end..

new game .. a new player join.. called (SWGO)STELIO

i was playing under this name.. so he just took my name.. and begoonnn hunting tp harrasting.. reallly annooy by the way
he was also tk me.. but killing enough bots so he ll not be boot for mins score!!





the he realize he has to many minus points.. he just try to tp me so i get killed!!


help me obi1 u r my only hope

i think its some1 who harrast me in the past.. he is asking for 2 weeks time off i think!!
but the guy who took my name i think it was some1 else not le fossoyeur .. fossoyeur was really nooby!! the namecloner was not sooo!!!

best regards u all

Re: i got a harrasting fan

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:18 pm
by Sir Bang
I was there too. This all basically kicked off when this "La Fossoyeur" guy began random tk's & tp's. After that the game just exploded with too many tk's/force spamming to keep up with: ... #115716994 - "Le Fossoyeur" tk-ing real Stelio. ... #115716943 - 'fake stelio' using inappropriate language. ... #115716956 - "stelio noob" causing trouble (chat). Notice 'fake stelio' joining the game in this screenshot. - "Luigi Man" force spamming "La Fossoyeur" 1. - "Luigi Man" force spamming "La Fossoyeur" 2.

Re: i got a harrasting fan

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:28 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
Banned, thanks for the report.

Re: i got a harrasting fan

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:11 pm
by stelio
Sir Bang wrote:I was there too. This all basically kicked off when this "La Fossoyeur" guy began random tk's & tp's. After that the game just exploded with too many tk's/force spamming to keep up with: ... #115716994 - "Le Fossoyeur" tk-ing real Stelio. ... #115716943 - 'fake stelio' using inappropriate language. ... #115716956 - "stelio noob" causing trouble (chat). Notice 'fake stelio' joining the game in this screenshot. - "Luigi Man" force spamming "La Fossoyeur" 1. - "Luigi Man" force spamming "La Fossoyeur" 2.

thxs so much for this material reallly nice job!. well i think i got 3 new enemies to the list..! i d k why its keep happends. meditate i will!!

great material and thxs again sir bangs

best regards u all :action-smiley-043: