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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:01 am
by ӺȁȿŧƔ
I don't normally get into clan affairs because they get annoying and are just plain nooby. This is a good example of that.

I'm sure most of you know or have heard of the clan called =(FGR)=. About a week ago I joined one of their non dedicated little training servers which had about 10 FGR members in it. For fun I had a little strange name. It was Fasty but each letter of my name was on a different line, so it was like: Image Immediately they all started to freak out and say "HACKER" and the server was brought down by the servers host. They made a new one with a password and only about 5 of the members saw the password. The rest of the members thought I hacked them. I saw the password myself but thought that was enough and didn't bother them after that. About a day later I saw this post. After you've read that you'd assume I was in the wrong here. My account on Gametoast will likely be banned for this. I never joined thier server under the name of "FGR is gay" if someone did join under that name, that's sure funny but was not me.

Also have a little fun reading on their guestbook:
*note* Go there at your own risk. The kids use harsh language.

I am posting this thread for 3 reasons.
1) To rant.
2) I'd like to hear your stories about FGR. Anyone else had problems with them?
3) I'd like to show my side to the Gametoast admins. The thread on GT was locked but I'll show this thread to Teancum via PM so he can understand my side.

So I want to know: Does anyone think I was in the wrong here? Was I in the right? As I was typing this I received a ban from Gametoast.

I do not want this to become a flame war. FGR members reading this: I am only telling the truth of what happened.
I am showing members of my community this post as well.

Re: =(FGR)=

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:11 am
by sinty
yes fgr is bad they did same thing to me

Re: =(FGR)=

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:16 am
by mike6mike
I think thats a liitle out of control, ik you were not hacking because thats not a hack, they should not get afraid of a stupid little name ! You go Fasty !

Re: =(FGR)=

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:17 am
by Ewok
I once went in there server cause I got excited seeing a new clan on bf2. I joined it with my name ^Ewok^. They got super angry and called me a pwnopresser or something because of my Hidden Arrows tags. They booted me instantly. Angry, I joined as a no name cause they sounded like complete idiots during my previous encounter with them. Just like what happened to Fasty they freaked out and closed the server. Now i heard from my friend Gringo that you have to take a vow to join the clan. I'm not sure what the exact words were, but this should be similar. "You must hate ^Ewok^. You must make his life miserable as much as possible without killing him." So yeah. My experiences with FGR weren’t so great either.

Re: =(FGR)=

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:21 am
by ATCStewart
I once went into one of their servers, I was following a player, and the next thing I know I lag teleport across the map, and they boot me for "glitching" before I even have a chance to explain myself. The fact that they also refer to other clans and communities as "enemies" is just sad. I haven't had such great experiences with them either.

Re: =(FGR)=

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:29 am
by Ewok
Well my old clan NR. (I'm sure you have heard of them) Is getting blamed for killing another clan called Chaos. He said that we stole all there memebers. 1# I have never heard of that clan before. 2# How about you be active and try to recruit memebers. 3# Stop blaming other people for your failing. Just ingnore them Fasty and everyone else. They are just little 12 year old kids.

Re: =(FGR)=

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:33 am
by Dorkyduck
Their server admins are probably not as adequate as they think. :lol:

Re: =(FGR)=

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:43 am
by Unit_14
While that name is irritating, it's not a hack. But I wouldn't worry about FGR. What happened ultimately? You got temporarily banned from a self-hosted server by a bunch of people who are scared to show their faces on regular dedicated servers? Sounds traumatic! :eek:

Re: =(FGR)=

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:52 am
by (SWGO)Joshua
Something like that has happened to me before and I got banned from the server too. I wouldn't worry anyway because =(FGR)= sucks balls anyways. I always kick their a$$ when I play with them. They seem like a small time going to fail clan in the first place.

Re: =(FGR)=

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 12:57 am
by Captain Obvious
Yup, I have more arguments for Fasty's side...
Months ago, I joined a FGR and learned about them. One guy there told me it was a ''rebellion'', admitted they were a bunch of n00bs, but said they were still civilized. I believed them, but recently, I saw exactly the contrary:Dorin made a bunch of arrogant and uncivilized claims about his claim-including admitting some of their members are extremely uncivilized. We stopped fighting later, and I respect Dorin, but...I surely don't believe FGRers are nice people anymore. By ''free gaming'', FGR means ''anarchy''.