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Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:01 pm
This is mainly for the non forcers and the self depicted "elite" players. Get over yourselves. It's a Star Wars video game and nobody cares that you can dominate casual players with your high sensitive mouse settings and in game exploits you've learned from playing this game for 100's of hours. For the non forcers who complain that so and so can't kill them with out force, shut up. If you were any good at non force, you would get the kills you think you should get, but you don't, so you cry and then threaten force like its a gun at a knife fight. Only then you see how average you are at force and get dominated and leave. I think it's funny and it's my personal goal to push you over the edge in game and make you adapt to me.

GG users, guess what, no forcing with him and expecting everyone else to no force against you is stupid. 4 sabers vs. 1? lol@that. I will tell you now, I will force GG just to see you give him up and use a real character. :lol:

If you're a gunner and you get forced, take it as a compliment, I know I do. I'm damn hard to catch when gunning and fully expect to eventually get forced. If I don't like it, I switch characters. You all have that option, so don't cry.

Elites, coming to our server and griping about the noobs, the force noobs, and whatever else you can think of, get your own server and rules and good luck populating it. If you were really elite, you wouldn't get so pissed off in our server. You would recognize the challenge of getting the kills/score you think you should get in a server loaded down with pullers, chokers, tpers and ksers. It's not a dueling server, it's a join the fray and get what you can get while having fun server and if you can't recognize that, then you are slow in the head.

One last thing, before anyone rants on what I've posted here, think of the following. How dominate are Laserblast, Yanoda, and Corpse in this server? They do all the things you think you should be able to do, without complaint and without failing and while having fun and adding to the server. Perhaps you should watch them and maybe learn something and maybe even begin adding to the fun.

When in game and people begin the crying process, I suggest referring them to this post. And if they don't belong to these forums, then I guess they better join or they can just shut it. Rant over.

Re: Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:11 pm
by WD-40

Re: Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:33 pm
by Heatmaster78
Wise words from a wise man.

Re: Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:34 pm
by Corpse
MATTHEW'S_DAD wrote: How dominate are Laserblast, Yanoda, and Corpse in this server? They do all the things you think you should be able to do, without complaint and without failing and while having fun and adding to the server. Perhaps you should watch them and maybe learn something and maybe even begin adding to the fun.

I agree. :whistling:

Although in seriousness I'm glad you posted this MD. I hadn't really been enjoying my playtime recently and I suspect it's because I've been slipping into a more competitive mentality. Thanks for the reality check, I'll make sure to blow myself up with a teammate's timebomb more often, just for you.

Re: Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 3:44 pm
by (SWGO)Kren
Well said MD :punk:

There's nothing better than playing for fun, it's game so enjoy it as that. If some of the better players want to square-off then let them but don't let anyone tell you it's wrong because u play differently from them. There's nothing more funny and frustrating as getting sniped by laser and MD but take it in your stride and relax.

Re: Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:07 pm
by =JAWS=tom{ASN}
Actually its is like gun vs knife but the knife man have a gun in his other hand that he can use too.

Re: Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:21 pm
by Duel of Fates
Oooh, someone pissed in his Wheaties this morning. But I concur wholeheartedly. If you take HA too seriously, go outside and enjoy the fresh air or mow some lawns to make some spendin' money. It's just a game, have fun or begone.

Re: Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:21 pm
by sinty
I think you and i need to go get a beer or something, because i agree with you 100%. I make fun of them all very often for having massive ego problems, its very funny to me because the majority of them play like sissies and lower themselves to subterranean levels just to win. I hate whiners and players who claim to be elite but have a patient style and never attack first. Ya'll sissies in my opinion.

btw force is for sissies, play no force like real men do ;)

Re: Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:30 pm
by (SWGO)^Fuzzy_Cat^
Nice speech

Re: Message to all HA players from MD

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:02 pm
by toad
Nice stump speach, but I wish you could...
