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PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:29 am
by {JOG}Neji
I might be making a return to PC for a while just for the heck of it and have some fun. My idea was to buy a server and make it a VIP for anybody who wants to join... Basically all of the half decent, decent, good, and great players. It will be a haven away from noobs, lag and so on. I was just wondering if people would be interested if I purchased a server to make a VIP with. Possibly name it SWGO VIP? Who knows... I just need some ideas. :P

Re: Possibility

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:32 am
by Corpse
I generally play where the people I like are playing. If you can get them to play there, then sure I would too. But I'm dubious about whether anyone at all would join. I think getting your server populated would be quite difficult.

Re: Possibility

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 1:46 pm
by Matt-Chicago
I would figure out who might be interested before laying down the money, although our two hosts, Hypernia and Art of War do allow you to rent by the month, so depending on how many slots you want you'd only be out $20-$40 if things didn't work out.

I can't say whether the server would be successful or not.
I'm on the fence about making an SWGO VIP server, maybe we could run a poll about who might play there.

Re: Possibility

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 3:56 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
I'm a little lost here, so this means we got to pay to be on the server? be in SWGO? or wreak in-game?
And yes matt run a poll :punk:

Re: Possibility

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:24 pm
by Mandalore
*Looks at watch* Yep, three years too late! :P
The last time that anyone from the high tier was active would have been the last prize tournament.

Re: Possibility

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 5:44 pm
by {JOG}Neji
Again, not looking to have a bunch of high tier players join, because there's none left in my point of view. Just a private server that is a haven from noobs, lag, etc etc. I've got a successful VIP going on the PS2 that's almost always populated, why not have one on PC?

Re: Possibility

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:51 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
Well, this may come as a shock but pulling is only ussed by noobs, so would this be a no-pull modded server as well?
Personally i don't mind forcing besides pulling, it's overpowered and unbalances the team.

So what would be the recuirements to enter this VIP server, since it's NNA...

Re: Possibility

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:23 pm
by {JOG}Neji
Well in this VIP, I intend to allow every aspect of the game in it. That means slow run, perfect block, infinite choke, wall runs, pulling, etc etc. But with solid players in the server, it can be used with skill. This is the rule-set I intend to have.

~No intentional team killing
~No abusing perfect block to get kills, only as a defensive tactic
~No double pulling (debatable)
~No killing yourself (unless swapping teams)
~No gunning (unless double pull is allowed)
~No spawn sitting (camping your own spawn which induces mass spawn kill
~No kill stealing
~Try to keep spawn kill minimal
~For every 2 chokers spawned in, Heroes are allowed to have 1 puller spawned. (Vader counts as 2 chokers. So 2 Vaders = 4 choker, which means they can have 2 pullers)

Like I said I want to try and include every aspect of jedi in this. Advanced techniques, all force abilities, all aspects to make gameplay more intense. I am trying to keep it balanced as well with the pulling and the choking and allowing slow run to counter attack choking, etc etc.

I will probably order a server that will be set in A. Virginia B. Chicago C. Texas

As for a password and potential admins for it, I don't know yet.

Re: Possibility

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:27 pm
by ATCStewart
Interesting... So I'm assuming the server would be FFA since you do not have a rule against teamkilling?

Re: Possibility

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 9:42 pm
by {JOG}Neji
My bad, I forgot to add "No intentional team killing". ^_^