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-)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:31 pm
by (SWGO)SirPepsi
-)G(-mrCANADAeh was using offensive terms in HA DC at around 6:25 P.M. Eastern Time. Before that, he was also Tking rampantly (he got booted for this, returned, and continued). I have uploaded a screenshot as proof. Thanks!

Re: -)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:47 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
I went in-game to verify and yes canada was TKing, and TPing...only to prevent american jedi from doing a wookie glitch...
Even tough he did swear in-game i would have only warned him for it as he woud be a first offender on my watch...

PS. i Swapped him, american jedi did do the wookie glitch, i banned american and canada removed the glitch with a maul....

To end this, pepsi iv'e seen players glitch, to kill people in glitches, even tough i do not approve canada swearing this time in-game i do consider the reasons why, and yes if i see him swearing i will proceed to a direct kick.

Case dismissed


Re: -)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 4:31 am
by Zephyr
Yes I saw american jedi doing so.

Re: -)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 11:51 am
by (SWGO)SirPepsi
Thank you MT. I appreciate that you took the time to review my case. My problem wasn't so much that he cursed-- and avoided the filter. No, I can usually let it go when someone says the common curse words, as it is easy to lose temper in game (this does not make it right, however). No, my problem is when he used what I consider a hurtful, derogatory (and what can be classified as racist) slur. Thank You again for reviewing my case, and for taking my complaint seriously. Next time when I post screenshots (I'm new to this!), should I use the paint program to colour over the "colourful" language, as not to offend anyone? Thanks once again.

Yours Truly,

Re: -)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:05 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
no i recomend you leave the language as it is unedited, if you edit anything we can't verify un,ess MC checks the logs.

As for rasist slurs on this case it would depend on the point of view...however if anyone usses anything related to the N-word he is normally banned without any warning for a month....but i do believe we veryfy the logs in this case it's a report and not seen by an admin.
Ps. Sorry for the gramer since i'm posting from my phone


Re: -)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:12 pm
by (SWGO)SirPepsi
Okay, I will leave the language as it is--unedited. Thank you for your clarification XD; I appreciate the fact that you took the time to comment on this thread. However, I disagree with your statement concerning the fact that the word -)G(-mrCANADAeh used was not racist. If not racist, it is certainly offensive. It attacks a class of people with a demeaning (you KNOW it's not intended to compliment people) slur. I once again thank you for your action concerning this issue.

Yours Truly,

Re: -)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:41 am

Re: -)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:42 pm
by haasd0gg
Fags are not a race. Of this, I am sure.

Re: -)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:52 pm
haasd0gg wrote:Fags are not a race. Of this, I am sure.

Correct. It's not a racial slur, it's a sexist term. However it's still just as offensive, especially in the derogatory sense that which it's intended.

Re: -)G(-mrCANADAeh using offensive terms

PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:09 pm
by haasd0gg
Nah. A [British cigarette] is no longer a term for homosexuals. Server support had this discussion awhile back.