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Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:44 am
by (SWGO)SirPepsi
Okay, hi again everyone. I just had a few things to say. I know I haven't been a part of the SWGO Community for much time (though I have played on the servers for a while), but I hope to have earned some respect within that time. I just want to know how long it normally takes (considering behavioural factors) to achieve administrator status as offered to an individual by SWGO. To clarify, I am not asking to be an admin, merely questioning if one (me personally) would soon receive that opportunity. Thanks for all commentary and help.

Signed Sincerely,

Re: Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 4:56 am
by Duel of Fates
Don't ask. Don't tell. :ninja:

Re: Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:22 am
by ATCStewart
It doesn't take any amount of specified time, when Matt and the other admins think you can be one they will ask.

Re: Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:43 am
by KOko
I may be wrong, but it seems to me that HA needs active admins. Not saying SirPepsi is the person you need.

Re: Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:54 am
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
KOko wrote:I may be wrong, but it seems to me that HA needs active admins. Not saying SirPepsi is the person you need.

As far as i noticed in the past week we are getting more admins online, what we actually need is more ban space on the ban list :lol:


I'm just saying here but the youngest admin we ever had was exceptionally good yet he was a member for 3 months before he was asked.
I think it took me like 6-8months or so, patience is important, and asking for it (wich you just failed) decreases the chances of being asked, as far as i know.
As for administrator status, as far as i know any "in-game" admin is server support...Iv'e been a member in SWGO for over a year now, and i haven't seen new "administrators" the current administrators are: MC, haas, Night, supersamurai and sadly supersamurai is innactive, hopefully he comes by some time.


Re: Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:35 pm
by (SWGO)SirPepsi
Thanks all!

@Minas_Thirith: I said that I was not asking though; I was just questioning (but thank you nonetheless; I think I have some sort of understanding now).

@KOko: Thank you, that is exactly the kind of response I wanted! Now, could you please explain to me why I am not the person needed. Ex. (gameplay, language, behaviour). Clarification would be appreciated, and by the way, as for language which I mentioned earlier, I don't curse online, and I try not to curse at all.)

@ATCStewart: Thanks! That cleared it up a bit! XD

@Duel of Fates: Do you mean that I should not ask for admin status, and I will receive. If that is what you meant, once again, I am not asking to become an admin, merely that my qualities as a player be analysed.

Re: Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 1:45 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
(SWGO)SirPepsi wrote:@Minas_Thirith: I said that I was not asking though; I was just questioning (but thank you nonetheless; I think I have some sort of understanding now).

@KOko: Thank you, that is exactly the kind of response I wanted! Now, could you please explain to me why I am not the person needed. Ex. (gameplay, language, behaviour). Clarification would be appreciated, and by the way, as for language which I mentioned earlier, I don't curse online, and I try not to curse at all.)

@Duel of Fates: Do you mean that I should not ask for admin status, and I will receive. If that is what you meant, once again, I am not asking to become an admin, merely that my qualities as a player be analysed.

I know your not asking to be one, but we already know by this you want to be one, do note that being an admin can be very stressfull, especially when you have these players in-game that just walk on the line between rule-breaking and playing fair, while they question every move you make, it can be frustrating, but it does get good when they come here reporting an admin abuse, it's good for laughs.

It doesn't have to be gameplay wich makes you a candidate for admin, do note that in selecing admins we have a vote, so even tough you "generally" behave, if for some reason you have a bad reputacion with some admins (even trew non-game basis) it's unlikely they will even make a vote.
Also what i have noticed is that a lot of players come and go, meaning they will not likely play this game for more then 3 months, then they go innactive without notice.
The time besides playing like your suposed to counts, also remember that some who also have been following the rules, and have reported players before you may be put up for candidate first, alwayes remember that someone joined before you.


Re: Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:10 pm
by haasd0gg
You are asking. Trying to mask your request with "clever" wording failed.
Hang out, be cool, maybe someday someone will ask you to help out.

Re: Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:27 pm
by =JAWS=tom{ASN}
(SWGO)Minas_Thirith wrote:

I know your not asking to be one, but we already know by this you want to be one, do note that being an admin can be very stressfull, especially when you have these players in-game that just walk on the line between rule-breaking and playing fair, while they question every move you make, it can be frustrating, but it does get good when they come here reporting an admin abuse, it's good for laughs.


Who are you talking about :whistling:

Re: Administrator Status

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:30 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
=JAWS=tom{ASN} wrote:Who are you talking about :whistling:

No tom not you, you still need a couple of bans before knowing where the line is.