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Add new Auto quote to JBA

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:41 am
by Col. Hstar
Since we have those nice automatic quotes that scroll across citing the rules and reminders, I think it would be great to add something.

I really don't get all the complaining about "spawn killing" in JBA and NYC.

These are levels where you have to take CPs and last i checked you shouldn't wait for an opponent to finish spawning before putting a nice little mine at their feet :innocent:

Maybe when the messages says that spawn killing is allowed, it could say "and it's expected" or something else. Lots of people rage at a person spawn killing while taking CPs.

anyway, not one of the biggest priorities but it one of the most annoying complaints I see :cursing: . Its understandable to a degree in Hero Assault but not in JBA.

Re: Add new Auto quote to JBA

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:18 am
by Commander Sparrow
Bah, I don't get why people "cry" about spawn killing, they should have chosen a better place to spawn at.

Really when I get complaints about spawn killing, I reply with a simple "Problem?"

Re: Add new Auto quote to JBA

PostPosted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:49 pm
by IJO sha-quan-jone
there is a 3 second spawn invincibility, thats more than enough time to kill whoever is in your spawn, it is for me anyway.