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Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:00 am
by 11_Panama_
Hola guys, don't know who to direct this post specifcly, but here it goes, Today at about quarter after 7 PM, I was booted by an admin for swearing. The bootable swear was,"I like to suck d$@*". Problem is, it wasnt me....another player came into the server bearing my name and tags. Thought it was amusing for awhile, I have seen this before and actually played with players using my name, but I've never had any problems with that..until today. I asked the admin on the server if I could have a name....only to speak to him directly as I wanted to clear my name. Admin refused to. I told the admin in game that it wasnt me, he said I was the only one in the server with that name....which leaves me with the "fake" Panama swore and left the server. I should also add that I wasnt booted right away, it took a few minutes after he typed in the offensive remark. Basicly, I just want the admins to please keep an eye out for such players impersonating other players...Bocca is the only swgo admin that I have on my xfire and he would tell any of you that I would never do such a thing...specially a dumb remark against myself. Please admins...use common sense..why would I insult myself? I would also like to ask the admins for alittle help....constant players come in to the servers bearing my team's tag that are not in my team, and use profane language. I dont want the image of my teamates smeared with "imposters" using my tags and deliberatly causing trouble. I have asked one admin before to please help me with in such incidents, he replied "be thankful for the free advertising". The "free" advertising is not worth the trouble that some of them bring. Thanks, love the server and keep up the good job....just want to clear my name and my team's.

Re: Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:30 am
by Bryant
I'm not the admin who booted you, but the logs seem to side with you. The stats file shows someone with a different IP using your name at the time you mention
I'm going to go ahead and ban this player for a week.

However, on a side note I find in interesting to say the least, that you've used 3 different cd-keys in the past week...

Re: Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:32 am
by 11_Panama_
Yes, I have used different CD keys to play in merc...they keep banning thats another short, I used to be mercs team lead and admin..I did the other admins..started my own team....and now I'm merc enemy #1.

Re: Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:48 am
by Vishy
merc's enemy #1 for a good reason. behave and then we won't find a reason to ban you..

Re: Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:04 am
by 11_Panama_
Vishy wrote:merc's enemy #1 for a good reason. behave and then we won't find a reason to ban you..

I knew it wouldnt be long before some merc would have to put their 2 and a half cents in. Quit being a hypocrite Vishy, how many times have you yourself told me that merc has been unfair? Didn't you quit merc and ask me to if you could join my team, because "I was right"?....wasn't it you yourself that told me that merc's senior admins gave the mod's a "green light" to mess with me so I may retaliate thus "warrant" a boot/ban? And then you came to me and told me that JD, merc's senior admin, told you that my ban stands because as you told me.."I like to piss panama off" Please Vishy, keep your hypocracy at merc servers and forums. My apologies to SWGO for this..Vishy likes to troll wherever I go. Example...I can no longer go to whatever server I'm at..he shows up. Once apologies. From this point on...merc is a dead issue here.

Re: Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:26 am
by Vishy
No one cares what you have to say, either. Who here gives a [m'kay] about what happened with merc?

I don't want to start another flame war with you, since I have better things to do.


Re: Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:35 am
by 11_Panama_
Vishy wrote:No one cares what you have to say, either. Who here gives a [m'kay] about what happened with merc?

I don't want to start another flame war with you, since I have better things to do.


For someone who "has better things to do", you sure have time to sit around and wait for my next at work again. :appl:

Re: Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:18 am
by Heatmaster78

Will you quit [female dog] about Vishy speaking his opinion? If you were talking to someone else about this issue I wouldn't really give a damn, but Vishy is a friend and I won't stand by while he gets chewed out by you.
I left your so-called "team" a while ago because you insulted me and my friends when we were minding our own business. You need to learn to accept other people's opinions and show some respect.

Also, you got booted once there's no need to write a novel about it. We only needed to hear half of what you said.

Re: Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 6:36 am
by Richdog
So pan is supposed to take fire without being able to defend himself just because vishy is your friend? Now I can't say I have problems with anyone here, and I'd like to keep it that way, but I find it really frustrating that so many people in these forums just don't know how to act like adults and be polite. Pretend you're actually talking to someone in person, face to face, where either you could see them be hurt by your malicious comments (and maybe you'd feel bad) or where they could sock you one for acting like a [Richard]. I'm just Image...
(Please don't feel that i'm singling you out or anything, Heat. I just got to thinking about all the kids on here who are overcompensating for something by being [derriere orifice] on the forums on a regular basis)

Let the flame wars begin...

Re: Booted from Jedi Battle Arena

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:20 am
by 11_Panama_
Heatmaster78 wrote:Panama,

Will you quit [female dog] about Vishy speaking his opinion? If you were talking to someone else about this issue I wouldn't really give a damn, but Vishy is a friend and I won't stand by while he gets chewed out by you.
I left your so-called "team" a while ago because you insulted me and my friends when we were minding our own business. You need to learn to accept other people's opinions and show some respect.

Also, you got booted once there's no need to write a novel about it. We only needed to hear half of what you said.

Ummh, Heat, what the hell are you talking about? When did I ever insult you? And if you took the time to read the would see that its your little pal Vishy that came here and started this. Quit being ignorant. By the way, Vishy didn't deny anything I wrote....just remember that..., thanks you see what I've been dealing with for the past few months...they just wont let me be. :innocent: