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Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 1:33 am
by Sketchup
Hi guys. Good to see that the community is still doing well. It appears that tacoboy83 been banned from the entire SWGO network of servers, which is odd considering his relative obedience. It has been this way for about a month and a half now. I'm not going to go around yelling Admin Abuse, but perhaps someone can give me some insight into this situation. Thanks in advance.

Re: Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Sat Jan 14, 2012 2:34 am
by Bryant
You have been banned for 1 month for repeated rule breaking. If you want more specific reasons you'll have to wait for the banning admin.
You were banned on December 15th. Some of the bans must be deleted manually, so if you are not unbanned from some of the servers by the 16th please post back here.
Month long bans are not given out lightly...

Re: Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:55 pm
by Matt-Chicago
Just so we're clear why you and nobliss were banned, this is the no force server:
12/15/2011 16:41:52 : #[Sketchup] Rofl gl with that
12/15/2011 16:42:01 : #[Sketchup] By the way Admin: "Sucks to be you."
12/15/2011 16:44:50 : #[Sketchup] lol Admin: "So who likes cantalope?"
12/15/2011 16:49:20 : #[Nobliss] Teehee Admin : "Whats going on here?"
12/15/2011 16:49:30 : #[Sketchup] lol Admin: "Looks crazy"
12/15/2011 16:49:52 : #[Nobliss] Smh Admin : "Quit Being Noobs"
12/15/2011 16:49:59 : #[[merc]wrrior-jo] hi admin
12/15/2011 16:50:02 : #[Minotaur/Hydra/] F U!
12/15/2011 16:50:09 : #[Minotaur/Hydra/] coward
12/15/2011 16:50:19 : #[Nobliss] -.- Admin : "Yes?"
12/15/2011 16:50:22 : #[Sketchup] heh Admin: "All you noobs are my subordinates. Bwahaha!"
12/15/2011 16:50:49 : #[[merc]wrrior-jo] that you 40
12/15/2011 16:50:50 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] Admin?
12/15/2011 16:51:11 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] Admin?
12/15/2011 16:51:15 : #[Nobliss] What are you guys talking about? Admin : "Yes it is me"
12/15/2011 16:51:27 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] can u help me to become an admin?
12/15/2011 16:51:29 : #[Vanguard] no its not WD
12/15/2011 16:51:36 : #[Sketchup] gah Admin: "Forgotten Lands most likely has a small penis"
12/15/2011 16:51:49 : #[Vanguard] Thats not WD
12/15/2011 16:51:50 : #[WNxvegetto71] its a chat hack
12/15/2011 16:52:06 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] weeeee
12/15/2011 16:52:07 : #[Nobliss] -.- Admin: "Booting Sketchup for being a lttle noob"
12/15/2011 16:52:24 : #[Sketchup] heh Admin: "NOOOOO I LOEV YOU SKETCH JK :D"
12/15/2011 16:52:40 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] Admin can i please become a (SWGO) Admin?
12/15/2011 16:52:44 : #[Myself] hi ppl
12/15/2011 16:52:56 : #[Sketchup] lol Admin: "Sure bro. Just apply on our official forums!"
12/15/2011 16:53:02 : #[Nobliss] wta Admin: " Kicking Myself for being a little prick"
12/15/2011 16:53:08 : #[Myself] hi admin
12/15/2011 16:53:09 : #[Sketchup] heh Admin: "Our site is http://Redtube-dotcom" edited so as to not link to it here
12/15/2011 16:53:21 : #[Sketchup] lol Admin: "Apply for admin there!"
12/15/2011 16:53:23 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] mate i konw what Redtube is
12/15/2011 16:53:42 : #[Nobliss] :D Admin: "It has changed"
12/15/2011 16:53:53 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] OH LOL TRY TO TRICK ME!
12/15/2011 16:54:09 : #[Sketchup] wow Admin: "Please subscribe to our real forums at"
12/15/2011 16:54:20 : #[Sketchup] lol Admin""
12/15/2011 16:54:24 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] Seriously can i please be a (SWGO) admin?
12/15/2011 16:54:37 : #[Nobliss] :d Admin: "Sure you can !!!"
12/15/2011 16:54:49 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] what is the ral web
12/15/2011 16:54:51 : #[Minotaur/Hydra/] WTHEL!
12/15/2011 16:55:06 : #[Nobliss] ... Admin: "Redtube"
12/15/2011 16:55:18 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] OMG
12/15/2011 16:55:33 : #[Minotaur/Hydra/] DAMN
12/15/2011 16:55:34 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] gotta ave a break
12/15/2011 16:55:35 : #[Nobliss] xD Admin: "Just kidding its"
12/15/2011 16:55:43 : #[Minotaur/Hydra/] stay outta mi business pussie
12/15/2011 16:55:48 : #[(SWGO)Forgotten] NO IT IS NOT!
12/15/2011 16:55:51 : #[Myself] uh
12/15/2011 16:55:55 : #[Nobliss] Im sure it is
12/15/2011 16:56:04 : #[Nobliss] Myself quit chathacking
12/15/2011 16:56:10 : #[Myself] ?
12/15/2011 16:56:12 : #[Sketchup] Rofl (SWGO_Forgotten_Lands: SWGO is gay friendly, right?
12/15/2011 16:56:59 : #[Nobliss] ???? Admin: "Sucks to Suck bro" Sketchup : :3 I like men
12/15/2011 16:57:08 : #[Minotaur/Hydra/] lol ya right
12/15/2011 16:57:26 : #[Sketchup] lol Nobliss: Zomg my brother is sexy
12/15/2011 16:58:02 : #[Nobliss] Hes sexy Admin: "I Love Men"
12/15/2011 16:59:40 : #[Nobliss] troloololololol Minotaur/Hydra/Greekdude: I like the dikkkk

Then you went to regular HA to brag about it:
12/15/2011 17:18:13 : #[Nobliss] SKETCHUP!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
12/15/2011 17:18:25 : #[Nobliss] DID YOU GET BANED?
12/15/2011 17:18:26 : #[Sketchup] We only got 1 week ban :D
12/15/2011 17:18:34 : #[Nobliss] TOTALLY WORTH IT
12/15/2011 17:18:35 : #[Sketchup] We deserved like 1 year hahaa
12/15/2011 17:18:39 : #[Sketchup] Ik lol
12/15/2011 17:18:48 : #[Sketchup] Thats the only time ive ever been on that server
12/15/2011 17:19:06 : #[Nobliss] Dude that was the funniest.
12/15/2011 17:19:15 : #[Nobliss] They actually believed we were the admin
12/15/2011 17:20:16 : #[Nobliss] Sketch lets troll again some time soon
12/15/2011 17:20:26 : #[Sketchup] Mhm :D
12/15/2011 17:20:36 : #[Nobliss] mmmm....Next week :D

So, I think we should go with your suggestion of what you deserved, one year.
You did sex talk, linked to a porn site, etc - in front of a bunch on 9 and 10 year olds. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Re: Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:16 pm
by Duel of Fates
:angry: My daughter plays this game as well. Sketch, one year? Good idea.

Re: Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:29 pm
by Bryant
Duel of Fates wrote: :angry: My daughter plays this game as well. Sketch, one year? Good idea.

I agree. I don't think 1 month is long enough.

Re: Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:49 pm
Bloody Hell, Sketchup. Thought you were better than that.

Re: Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:56 pm
by FaiL.?
Wow, that was weird. ugh.

Re: Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:28 pm
by SuperHappyMan
[m'kay] yeah! I applied at the website, they say they'll be here to check out my credentials in a few days. Can't wait!

Re: Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 8:58 pm
by Sketchup
Haha. Oh yeah, I remember that. Well, I guess I got what was coming. It all makes sense now... At least I called to attention to the fact that the No-Force server could use some more Admins to handle all the trolls. And you have to admit, the "" comment was slightly entertaining.

Re: Sketchup, Here

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:11 pm
by Doves
Sketchup wrote:And you have to admit, the "" comment was slightly entertaining.
