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Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:08 pm
by (SWGO)SirPepsi
Today I was playing on the No Force Server, and at about 5:50 EST. a player named I'm_Coming_after_you_Impossible or something like that joined. He immediately began to TK rampantly, everyone. I will get proof if you need it. But the larger issue is that a player named Dad was online. He was in-game and at the keyboard (he killed me several times). I called out "Dad!" "Admin!" over 9 times. Each time I was completely ignored. The TKing player killed 3-4 teammates in a row several times, and killed me personally 4 times. Other players started yelling at him to stop; he wouldn't. I didn't think it neccesary to get proof as an admin was witnessing the whole thing. The player has killed about 5 enemies, and 17 teammates by this time. I don't know why he isn't booted for minus-score. More importantly, Dad would NOT respond. I called out several times, at several different points within the span of about 10 minutes. I don't know if this player is pretending to be an admin, or if Dad did't see my complaints.

Re: Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:32 pm
by Vishy
Dad is not an uncommon name. I would be surprised if it was Dad the admin.

Re: Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:37 pm
by haasd0gg
Dad, were you being negligent again? :oldman:

Re: Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:49 pm
by WD-40
Dad doesn't usually have his RM up when playing...May be a different Dad ?

Re: Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:07 pm
by Son
I have noticed another Dad on also. The real Dad usually responds when I say Hi.

Perhaps you should have offered Dad cookies to help you with your troubles :)

Re: Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:16 pm
by Dad
It was me that witnessed this.

I could have tried to explain through chat, I no longer have access to RM. The computer I have access on had an "accident". I don't know how to remove/install to my current computer. I was hoping to keep this out of the forums and most admins don't even know about it. Usually, my presence alone is enough to keep most players in line. This would have been impossible through chat. That being said....

6 years from hell just came to a screeching halt.
2005 RIP Dad
2006 move in to take care of my mother, one of the more demanding women I have ever known
2007 RIP one of my oldest and closest friends
2008-2011 Cancer Diagnosis, treatment (which I refuse to work during), remission-ex has me locked up (except for Crappy Las Vegas). Rinse, repeat 2 more times.
2011 RIP Son, RIP Mom, RIP another old close friend, combat with brothers and Mom's brothers/sisters over everything, combat with mortgage companies over theft of Mom's refinance $$
2012 ex informs me she can't claim my son for the last time on her taxes as someone stole his identity.

Each one of these events was dealt with or nipped in the bud (very quickly and/or VERY aggressively), by me and me alone. It was a nonstop [poo] storm that no one else could handle, as they all so quickly proved. Now that the smoke has cleared, those who aggravated me can hardly look me in the eye. I still have two daughters to raise, but they are almost grown. I have kept and continue to keep my word on promises I made to those on their death bed (which has been more often and numerous than anyone should ever have to make).

(tip to younger guys on here) THIS is how a MAN handles things. "nough said.

Quite frankly, I'm spent. After 2 weeks of not admining and playing on all severs, I have been enjoying not having to deal with "Dad, take care of this one because I don't like him!" I'm not speaking of legitimate complaints, as yours is Pepsi. I do apologize for not explaining, such knowledge made public would have caused chaos on the server.

Admining has lost it's fun. I used to enjoy keeping order. Now it's just a chore. It's my time now. As selfish as that sounds, I think I deserve it. I have a yard to finish reclaiming, a house to gut and rebuild, hunting, fishing, etc. Things that I WANT to do rather than HAVE to. When I play my favorite video game of all time, I want to just play.

Guess I could have started a thread for this, sorry to hijack on you Pepsi.

Re: Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 3:23 pm
by Yanoda
Understandable, Dad.
Hope that life will go easier on you from now on.

Best regards


Re: Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:19 pm
by 11_Panama_
It's not selfish to take time for you after all you've been through. Stay strong Dad. God bless you and yours.

Re: Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:02 pm
by haasd0gg
Sounds like negligence, indeed. :1402:
Plan for a trip north. The council here can decide your fate.

Re: Negligence or Impersonation of an Admin

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:37 pm
by [$$$]PSI
Life is a [female dog]. One ugly son of a [female dog].