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No admins present.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:12 pm
by natester77
While playing DC hero, i see actually no admins on at all anymore. i get ksed more, tked, team choked and more people glitch.

so advise more admins or be more active

Re: No admins present.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 6:31 pm
by ATCStewart
Well, I'm sorry that our admin team can't cater to your needs. We all donate our time and money to ensure you CAN play on these servers. It makes me upset when people like you say that we are not doing our job.

Re: No admins present.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:52 pm
by Duel of Fates
Yes. Get a life Nate.

Re: No admins present.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:07 am
I will make it my priority to stay on servers 24/7 over Easter, just for you.

Re: No admins present.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:46 am
by Col. Hstar
Dear Admins of SWGO

I would like to submit a complaint against every single administrator who dares to take some free time to themselves, instead of policing and parenting all of us who are sitting around doing nothing but playing video games. This is totally unacceptable, and we will not tolerate anything less then you full and undivided attention.

I mean seriously, who of us has time to take screenshots, or video clips and report them. Do you know that in the .05 seconds it takes me to click the screen capture button, I could have rolled out of the way of a missile, jumped back from a mine, blocked a pull, or even chat with my friends!!! I mean COME ON!!!

Laziness will no longer be tolerated. If there is not an admin online whenever we log on, we will make note of it and we will report you. We will insist on the creation of a new sub-forum for report dereliction of duty by admins. we can put it right under the report glicthers and trouble makers forum. (whatever that's for)

Then...... Yes then you will be sorry.

Re: No admins present.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:33 am
by FaiL.?

Re: No admins present.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:23 pm
by natester77
im asking either appoint more or atleast do more like kick/ban tp ksers when they are on not just ignore them.

duel ur being a hater cause i work 30 hours a week with school so i dont have time for a life, doesnt mean i have one

col. just another hater and a smartass

Re: No admins present.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:30 pm
by haasd0gg
natester77 wrote:im asking either appoint more or atleast do more like kick/ban tp ksers when they are on not just ignore them.

duel ur being a hater cause i work 30 hours a week with school so i dont have time for a life, doesnt mean i have one

col. just another hater and a smartass

... doesn't mean he has one...

Re: No admins present.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:04 pm
by Son
Try this on for size natestar...
Work 40 + hours a week. Raise a family. Go to school and get a 4.0 GPA with 3 classes each term. Coach sports for the kiddos. Oh yes...and keep your wife happy. All while trying to police a bunch of whiny babies who need to be babysat while they are playing a game.

Us admins have lives. We enjoy playing these games with you. Some of us enjoy kicking and banning ungrateful little turds for being Toms (assclowns).

There are plenty of admins, but unfortunately we do not devote all of our time to keep everyone happy. Take a screenshot..and post it here. I bet an admin will jump on it as soon as we can.

I would love to be able to leave my remote manager running 24/7. Unfortunately I think this causes my internet explorer to not work properly.

Have a great Easter.

Re: No admins present.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:10 pm
by IJO sha-quan-jone
Son wrote:Try this on for size natestar...
Work 40 + hours a week. Raise a family. Go to school and get a 4.0 GPA with 3 classes each term. Coach sports for the kiddos. Oh yes...and keep your wife happy. All while trying to police a bunch of whiny babies who need to be babysat while they are playing a game.

Us admins have lives. We enjoy playing these games with you. Some of us enjoy kicking and banning ungrateful little turds for being Toms (assclowns).

There are plenty of admins, but unfortunately we do not devote all of our time to keep everyone happy. Take a screenshot..and post it here. I bet an admin will jump on it as soon as we can.

I would love to be able to leave my remote manager running 24/7. Unfortunately I think this causes my internet explorer to not work properly.

Have a great Easter.

the only one of those i do is keeping your wife happy ;) :1402: