by ATCStewart » Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:56 pm
I can't find Endor, Yavin 4 or any space map on the current map list:
/addmap mus1c_con
/addmap tat3c_con
/addmap dea1g_con
/addmap tan1g_con
/addmap geo1c_con
/addmap tat2g_con
/addmap pol1g_con
/addmap tan1c_con
/addmap kam1g_con
/addmap cor1c_ctf
/addmap mus1g_con
/addmap nab2g_con
/addmap dea1c_con
/addmap hot1g_con
/addmap tat3g_con
/addmap cor1g_con
/addmap myg1g_con
/addmap tan1g_1flag
/addmap uta1g_con
/addmap tat2c_con
/addmap kas2c_con
/addmap hot1g_hunt
/addmap pol1c_con
/nextmap mus1c_con
/idlemap mus1c_con
On an unrelated note, would it be possible to install spoiler tags on these forums? I can think of many uses for them.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to feed a fish, and round and round we go