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Map Requests

Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:59 am
by Stranger
I am sorry if there is already a topic on this. I have not used formus very much. I would like to request that maps be added and some played more and some less.
I would like to see some space maps. I know people complain that they can be too short but so can a ground match if you have a good team. Maps such as Polis Massa, Tanative IV, Kamino, and Jabba's Palace come up at least three times as much as the maps Death Star, Geonosis, and a few others. I would like to see maps be more balanced, meaning all appliciable maps be played in a cycle without the same maps twice before the cycle is restarted. I have read on here that Admins could not be found and no actions have been taken regarding the communities requests. I hope that is not the case with map requests I have posted. I look forward to an Admins earliest reply and appreciate your time.
Re: Map Requests

Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:02 am
by Scrumtralescent
Space maps aren't popular and resulted in people leaving the server whenever we had them in the rotation. Same with some of the other ground maps, but I'll defer to the more experienced conquest players to give the exact reasons why.
Re: Map Requests

Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:14 am
by Stranger
It's okay if there are no space maps. However, I what I really want is the maps that are in rotation are played more evenly, as mentioned in my previous post.
Re: Map Requests

Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:52 am
by theavengers85
Is it possible to have Death star CTF? Is it balanced? It would be really neat if it was.
Re: Map Requests

Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:49 am
by Stranger
All I mean by "balanced" is that all of the maps in the rotation should be played the same amount of times, no maps should be played than others. It is not very good to play Kamino and Tantive IV six times and have only played the Death Star or Geonosis once during a single rotation, and that is exactly what happens. All I really want is a difinitive answer by someone who has the ability to resolve this issue, will this be done or not. I would very much appreciate a direct yes or no answer, please.
Re: Map Requests

Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:44 am
by 11_Panama_
I believe the rotation has been changed recently. I like the way it is now. If I would add anything...I would add Geonosis hunt or Naboo hunt. Only because I haven't played those in years. Merc wouldn't let us have any hunts.....lame bastards.
Re: Map Requests

Tue Jul 17, 2012 9:35 am
by Stranger
I like the maps that are in the rotation, it's just I wish they would be played more evenly. Not three times more Tantive IV than Death Star. Do you know what I mean? As for more hunt maps, I think that could be fun in limited quantities.
Re: Map Requests

Tue Jul 17, 2012 12:19 pm
by IJO sha-quan-jone
Hunt maps are always very uneven, therefore they "can" be fun if you get the good team. However I think throwing in Hunt tat.2.con would be fun for a while.
Re: Map Requests

Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:16 pm
by Stranger
Well whatever happens, I hope that all map request and other pertinent information or requests are posted here to make them easy to find. Hopefully there will be a lot of dissuction on this topic, and will make this a better Battlefront II experience for everyone.
Re: Map Requests

Tue Jul 17, 2012 1:46 pm
by WD-40
The worst part about the uneven maps is people staying on the server, but not joining a team, or worse yet, joining, then leaving to go eat or something instead of playing.