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Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:32 am
by TaTerToT
What's everyone's favorite mods? :D

I've always loved and enjoyed Conversion Pack-;94154.
Even though it could be a LOT better, it's always been a huge interest of mine.
Besides for the Conversion Pack, my top favorite would have to be Rebel Ops Trilogy by Maveritchell.-;95549
I'm a fan of all of Mav's work and I consider him to be one of the greats, but his Rebel Ops trilogy which is based in campaign style took it
to a new level on my list and I enjoyed all of it, and really every mod. To be honest, and I know many of my friends say the same,
but if it wasn't for mods I probably would've stopped playing a long time ago. Their creativity and uniqueness has always found
a special place in my BFII experience. So, what are yours?

Re: Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 3:05 am
by (=DK=)Samonuh
Dynamic Idea Map was the greatest thing I've ever experienced in SWBF2.

Re: Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:02 am
by Outrider
I used to think the Conversion Pack was the best mod ever. I played it a lot back in the day. I'm bored with it at this point, but it's still pretty good despite the bugs that are still present and its quality (as TaTerToT mentioned, it could be better). And yeah, Mav's works are always great. There isn't something by him that I don't enjoy. I especially like Dark Times 2 and the Rebel Ops Trilogy. DMI was also great during its short run. Battle Arena 2.0 was awesome, too. Both of these maps featured a great variety of things to do, and they were much more enjoyable when played online. The Rise of the Empire map series were pretty neat, and Battlefront Extreme was cool. I used to enjoy both of these mods as well at one time or another.

Re: Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:35 am
by FaiL.?
(=DK=)Samonuh wrote:Dynamic Idea Map was the greatest thing I've ever experienced in SWBF2.


Re: Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 3:13 pm
Outrider wrote:I used to think the Conversion Pack was the best mod ever. I played it a lot back in the day. I'm bored with it at this point, but it's still pretty good despite the bugs that are still present and its quality (as TaTerToT mentioned, it could be better). And yeah, Mav's works are always great. There isn't something by him that I don't enjoy. I especially like Dark Times 2 and the Rebel Ops Trilogy. DMI was also great during its short run. Battle Arena 2.0 was awesome, too. Both of these maps featured a great variety of things to do, and they were much more enjoyable when played online. The Rise of the Empire map series were pretty neat, and Battlefront Extreme was cool. I used to enjoy both of these mods as well at one time or another.

I'll just echo this.

I also really like RAS Prosecutor: Hangers. It's really fun to play online. One might say my opinion is biased; considering who made it, but play it and you'll see that I'm not biased, it's just really good.

I would like to say that Mav was a big inspiration for me becoming a modder, primarily the Rebel Ops Trilogy, and Dark Times(I hadn't played Dark Times 2 until after I became a modder).

Re: Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 3:29 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
I actually liked dark times rising II, i mean an Rocket firing 4 shells, an EMP granade that disables tanks and kicks out whoever is in them, it was quite epic.
I also wonder which mod(maybe it was dark times rising) featured I-wings(being the upgrade from Y-wings also seen going from the strategy Empire at war to forces of corruption)

However i loved the stability of the GWL 123+ mod, especially since bespin city(aka sniper heaven) and both of the rhen var's(my favorite maps) were in them.(both being extremely well versitile and balanced in any era)
As well as having more game modes, like HA in any of those maps as well as featuring some balanced interesting hunt maps i think the one in rhen var citidel featured everyone being a jet trooper with a sniper rifle.
That combinacion was epic......
Also the having hoth on CIS era was amazing......

If only there were a way to make mods auto-download when entering a server :-|


Re: Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:27 am
by Outrider
(SWGO)Minas_Thirith wrote:If only there were a way to make mods auto-download when entering a server :-|

Until this is figured out, the only plausible solution is to have a server simply dedicated to mods, preferably have a topic here on this forum listing the mods one needs installed to join said server, and perhaps the mods could be periodically switched out to vary things up. And at that point, the aforementioned topic would get updated to reflect the new list of mods then playing on the server. But of course, this does seem like a hassle for the people managing the server and those who use it...
(SWGO)Minas_Thirith wrote:I also wonder which mod(maybe it was dark times rising) featured I-wings(being the upgrade from Y-wings also seen going from the strategy Empire at war to forces of corruption)

What's an I-Wing? :o

And yep, the +123 mod was great during its first debut. I only discovered it after the Conversion Pack, though, but it did have plenty of neat and unique modes.

Re: Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:48 am
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
Outrider wrote:Until this is figured out, the only plausible solution is to have a server simply dedicated to mods, preferably have a topic here on this forum listing the mods one needs installed to join said server, and perhaps the mods could be periodically switched out to vary things up. And at that point, the aforementioned topic would get updated to reflect the new list of mods then playing on the server. But of course, this does seem like a hassle for the people managing the server and those who use it...

The issues are:
1- People are lazy and stupid, so unless they are on these forums regulary they won't download the mods.
2- Money, a new server costs money, monthly fees are required, and because this thing has been done before we won't likely try it again....
I think i'm the one that did the last attempt in SWGO to have a +123 HA modded server, it was dead on arival, now it's the NYC server.
Mods that require a download to play don't work, it's been tried again and again.

Outrider wrote:What's an I-Wing? :o

I misspelled it, meant to say a B-wing, featured in FOC as the replacement of the Y-wing


Re: Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:19 am
by Outrider
Ah. And I see. The B-Wing was featured in the Conversion Pack (can't think of anything else off the top of my head). It was the most fun to use on Mav's Space Endor map, in my opinion.

Re: Favorite Mods

PostPosted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:18 am
by Nik
I just recently got the Convo Pack 2.0 and need help with it. I have been talking with Wulf about it but saw this and thought one of you may also be able to help. I just downloaded it but I am having trouble uploading it. I click on the convopackinstaller and it takes about an hour to finish it. But right at the end it says
"BattlefrontII.exe=BattlefrontII.exe" does not exist. So far I have tried twice and twice failed. It downloads the extra files into Game Data but does not change my game at all. I am on an ancient Windows XP and am not sure if this is the problem or not? Or is it being blocked by some security program? Any suggestions just let me know.