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PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:49 pm
by The Master
everyone says your not supposed to ask about bring an admin but how does anyone know you are wanting to do it. I'm only asking because the other day we were in a game someone asked if they could be an admin and the reply was "you don't ask, you are asked" is there a certian time of the year admins are appointed. if someone could answer it would be nice please

Re: Administrator

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 12:46 am
by haasd0gg
Its simple; everyone wants to admin.
The people who are mature, trustworthy, and at least somewhat likeable get invited (when we need someone).

Re: Administrator

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:04 am
by WD-40
My 'personal' method of 'scouting' for potential Admins is watching them closely over time and getting a feel as to how they behaive, their maturity, their dedication to SWGO, their activity on the forums as well as the servers, how they handle confrontation or disputes, what they contribute to discussions (which gives me further insight to their maturity and fairness/stabilty), and the fact that 'they don't ask' to become an Admin. As many of my fellow Admins have said, "You don't ask". It doesn't mean that 'we aren't watching you'. I've already set my sights on another prospect, but I will not advance the proposal until it 'feels' appropriate for the other Admins to vote on it. It could be weeks or even months. I don't know. And we Admins don't necessarily know what player has the attention of any particular Admin until the proposal is made. A discussion and ultimately a vote takes place. Sometimes it is 'tabled' for further discussion, sometimes accepted, and sometimes rejected.

Keep in mind, being an 'Admin' is an honor to do for SWGO. It's not some title to's a responsibility. I've been pleased to be a part of a great group of guys and gals in this group as well as the SWGO players. But it is a 'game' that you 'administrate'. Basically, you babysit the servers and spank the troublemakers, while protecting those who come to SWGO to have fun. To me, however, the best part is getting to know in a 'Facebook' kinda way, some great people that are in SWGO on both the Admin side and player side.

Hope this helps.

Good luck on your quest to be an SWGO Administrator. :gunsmilie:

Re: Administrator

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:48 am
by 11_Panama_
Being the newest addition to the admin team, I have to remind some of you that being an admin is not what most of you think it is. It's not fun. (Con #1) It pulls you away from the game most of the time. (Con #2) It's hard to enjoy the game when your playing it. (Con #3) You get cussed at most of the time by an angered player. (Con #4) Players test you. (Con #5) Some players will accuse you of admin abuse. Now the Pro's......(Pro #1) Part of a great team. (Pro #2) Your name in green. (Pro #3) Some players kiss your butt. :lol: So...ask it really that great? It's OK at best.

Re: Administrator

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:05 am
by (=DK=)Samonuh
I love admining servers. I can enter them knowing that I won't have my gaming experience ruined by out-of-control rule breakers.

Re: Administrator

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:33 am
by Tiburana203
anyone seeking to become an admin on any forum or game is almost guaranteed to be doing it for the wrong reason.usually, they simply want to be in control over others. in reality, admin power gives more work than reward; sure, you have the ability to remove stupidity, but this is time consuming. admins also get the added annoyance of constant harassment/scrutiny by those select people who hate authority/having their mistakes corrected. its more of a sacrifice than a bonus for them

Re: Administrator

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:43 am
Lol@mature!!! :lol:

Re: Administrator

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:50 am
by Brazosgrad
Tiburana203 wrote:anyone seeking to become an admin on any forum or game is almost guaranteed to be doing it for the wrong reason.usually, they simply want to be in control over others. in reality, admin power gives more work than reward; sure, you have the ability to remove stupidity, but this is time consuming. admins also get the added annoyance of constant harassment/scrutiny by those select people who hate authority/having their mistakes corrected. its more of a sacrifice than a bonus for them

I guess that's why I wasn't "seeking" to be an admin and Haas bugged me for months to do it. I finally agreed and have had to put up with whiny kissbutts and foul mouthed farts for most of my battlefront II career now. Oh the joy. :daz:

Re: Administrator

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:13 am
by kjeopardy
11_Panama_ wrote:Being the newest addition to the admin team, I have to remind some of you that being an admin is not what most of you think it is. It's not fun. (Con #1) It pulls you away from the game most of the time. (Con #2) It's hard to enjoy the game when your playing it. (Con #3) You get cussed at most of the time by an angered player. (Con #4) Players test you. (Con #5) Some players will accuse you of admin abuse. Now the Pro's......(Pro #1) Part of a great team. (Pro #2) Your name in green. (Pro #3) Some players kiss your butt. :lol: So...ask it really that great? It's OK at best.

That's the best part :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Administrator

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:34 am
by haasd0gg
You're welcome braz :1402: