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Hmm, something to think about. And Thank You

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:47 am
by (clnrs)Cloner
Well, I haven't been on in a couple months (If my memory does not deceive me :P) because of a few incidents that happened that I just finally came to the conclusion that it isn't worth all the arguing over what are the rules or mistakes by myself (or others). I have read a couple forums and just snicker sometimes and think to myself that I'm glad that I do not play anymore. When you think about it, all these things mean nothing in the end except for "impressive profiles" that will not end up helping anyone in life. I got caught up a lot in gaming and finally came to the conclusion that all the gaming or arguing over who's right or who's wrong, or this person did this and that person did that just is a waste because what will it gain you if you win an argument or get someone banned? While I know several people play for fun at their convenience and mean no harm to anyone, I respect that, but I do ask for those who don't quite have that view that you consider being careful about being quick to accuse someone just for a sense of power that won't matter in the end. Thank you for all the admins that did keep the peace often times and for those of my friends that I played with over the years. As for now, I'm moving on with my life but once again thank you all for a fun time. I hope you all have fun in the following years and try to keep the peace at least. :th_a017: Farewell to all and I pray your lives are blessed.

~Former (clnrs)Ldr.Cloner.
Peace out to all and God bless.

Re: Hmm, something to think about. And Thank You

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:25 am
Peace to you.

Re: Hmm, something to think about. And Thank You

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 9:24 am
by WD-40
You need to join a 'reality' show, like a Baseball or a Basketball team..Soccer maybe...and interact with real people. Too much 'gaming' will screw you up. The 'real' stuff will keep your head screwed on straight.

Re: Hmm, something to think about. And Thank You

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 2:36 pm
by (=DK=)Samonuh
Wait...what is this...real life you speak of...?

Re: Hmm, something to think about. And Thank You

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:28 pm
by (SWGO)Kren
If you feel it has come to a point where certain individuals prevent you from playing because of disagreements then as you say it's time to move-on. The alternative to this is to adopt a 'thicker skin' and get past the minority who are causing issues. You are best placed to make that decision though.

If it is the server rules you cannot stick to or admins who have reprimanded you for breaking rules then you have to question why they did this, not out of malice but simply to keep things inline and ticking-over. When game/server rules are enforced I know by experience players can become unhappy but if not for order then chaos would ensue on the servers. Most of us live by rules, you either accept them or face the consequences of not following them and that's just how it is.

Gaming is what gaming is, just something to pass the time, have fun and meet friends. If you treat it like that and get past the issues you would find it a much better experience.

I hope you feel like dropping by in the future it's been fun to play with/against you. There have been plenty of folks that revisit the game from time-to-time. :th_a017:

Until next time!


Re: Hmm, something to think about. And Thank You

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:22 am
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
WD-40 wrote:You need to join a 'reality' show, like a Baseball or a Basketball team..Soccer maybe...and interact with real people. Too much 'gaming' will screw you up. The 'real' stuff will keep your head screwed on straight.

So Twinkies and drinks won't? :whistling: