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Another admin failure

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:25 pm
by xxCaphxx
Admin tonight in NYC decides to start issuing warning for caps (not me, but someone else). I point out it is anal to get hung up on caps, we can all read the letters after all. Banned. Rejoin under a different account (you can only ban accounts not players) - banned. Etc

SWGO, the fun and welcoming community.

Where do SWGO recruit these admins from? Is there a vibrant ex-nazi community in NYC?

Re: Another admin failure

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:59 pm
by Bailey
Not the banning admin but I can tell you are an idiot. Do you honestly think coming on here with that tone and insulting all of our admins will get you a positive response? Chill out and reconsider your approach. As for banning for caps, depending on the situation it can be considered chat spam and is certainly ban worthy.

Re: Another admin failure

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:02 am
by Son
Not the banning admin, but here are my 2 cents...

Caph, when someone types in caps it can be like yelling. Caps can be quite obnoxious so we generally warn those who use them excessively to stop. When someone then starts in on an admin about warnings, that is disrespecting the admin (which is punishable by kick/ban). We do not want to have the servers erupt into a bunch of little girls yelling (using caps) at each other and causing mayhem. I'm guessing you got banned for disrespecting the admin. When you came back, you got banned for evading a ban.

My advice would be to wait out your ban by going outside and enjoying nature, reading a book, watching a movie or doing something besides playing on the computer. From what I have seen, you are already starting to be a pain, so if you want to continue down this path, fine, enjoy your bans. If you want to actually have some fun, then please follow the rules.

Re: Another admin failure

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:23 am
by NiteRunner81
What the [m'kay] is going on with all these nazi accusations lately and nazi paraphenalia. Its quite sickening and has gone too far.... you know, caph, your timing is atrocious with using that word... really makes you look like a jerk....

Re: Another admin failure

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:25 am
Dude this is a bad time to start calling admins ex-nazis. It's a very bad idea under any circumstances, but right now it's even worse. Keep it up and they'll happily ban your CD key, not just your account name.

EDIT: Nite beat me to it.

Re: Another admin failure

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:01 am
by WD-40
THEWULFMAN wrote:Dude this is a bad time to start calling admins ex-nazis. It's a very bad idea under any circumstances, but right now it's even worse. Keep it up and they'll happily ban your CD key, not just your account name.

EDIT: Nite beat me to it.

Agreed. Caph..I'm not the banning Admin either, but you had a run in with me before, and I had to ban 3 of your key hashes in a row. You called a truce, and apologized, but knock off the nazi crap! :evil: Caps, if not abused, we'll let slide. If abused, it gets distracting to the game. Based on your track record of being a trouble-maker, I'm sure you did or said some stuff that got you banned, beyond what you stated here.

Re: Another admin failure

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:44 am
by CommanderOtto
I remember in the first days (when I bought this game) I used to use caps all the time but I learned my lesson. Actually, now that I think about it, it's best to not use caps all the time. People must understand that there must be manners in forums and in game chat just like in a real conversation.

Re: Another admin failure

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:02 am
CommanderOtto wrote:People must understand that there must be manners in forums and in game chat just like in a real conversation.


Re: Another admin failure

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:20 am
by Duel of Fates
Banning admin here. You are a repeat offender. The original warning about caps was for another player, not you. You decided to stick your nose into it and made some disrespectful comments directed toward the admin. I kicked you for disrespecting others and or the admin. You came back with more comments and I banned you for three days. Your other cd keys that you used will be banned indefinitely on NYC because you were evading the ban.

And no, I do not live in NYC, and have never been a member of the Nazi party. You can take that kind of attitude and shove it where the sun don't shine kid. If you give no respect, do not expect any in return.

Have a good day.

Re: Another admin failure

PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:06 pm
by [m'kay]
xxCaphxx wrote:Where do SWGO recruit these admins from? Is there a vibrant ex-nazi community in NYC?

Nah, but now that you mention it you make a pretty good argument for eugenics.