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Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 1:52 am
by (SWGO)DesertEagle
Had an idea.

I've heard that you can supposedly mod a map on the server side in certain ways without having to mod the client side. For example, I think you can add death regions on the server that will affect the client (I imagine there might be some lag due to sync issues).

Couldn't someone mod the maps to put death regions in the places where people typically wall glitch (i.e. cantina wall on Mos Eisley, among others)? Also, couldn't you put a small invisible wall over places where people try to health glitch (front of ship in Mos Eisely, etc)?

Might be a lot of work for not much gain, but it would certainly cut down on people screaming "OH NOES, XXX IS WAALLL GLITCHEN!"

If the lag due to sync issues is restricted to client side, and the glitcher should happen to lag out because of it... well, that would be an unintended side effect.

I've poked around the mod tools, but I have no real experience with them. I can help point out places where people glitch (I know quite a few on Mos Eisley, and a few on other maps), but you probably know way more than I do. I don't want to list them here, lest I give people any ideas :lol:

Anybody interesting in trying this? Maybe at least pointing me to some resources so I can make some kind of stab at it?

Re: Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:54 am
by ATCStewart
The death regions in the map have been shown to cause server instability.

Re: Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 5:14 am
by (SWGO)DesertEagle
ATCStewart wrote:The death regions in the map have been shown to cause server instability.

Really? I figured there was a reason people didn't do it.

What about adding an invisible wall in front of these areas to block people? Does that have a problem as well?

Re: Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:23 am
by Draigun
The need for these mods is far less than the need for less lag. In other words, more mods will cause more lag, and anything that does this needs to be avoided.

Due to poor testing and research, collision values (invisible walls) have not been proven to tamper with lag. However, it's been shown, from user feedback at =SotG=, that people experienced less lag with a no boundary tat2g_eli map that's been stripded. During that time, I patched most glitches, and there were not many complaints from users. In fact, it seemed to reduce the client lag. This has not been researched and tested enough to give an absolute reason as to why.

Glitches on HA do happen every now and then, but most of the time an admin is online during peak times. There shouldn't be any need to patch glitches unless we see a rise, I suppose.

Re: Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:07 am
by (SWGO)DesertEagle
Actually, rather than death regions, what about damage regions (i.e. similar to the outside regions in Polis Massa)?

I totally agree, I would rather have less lag than less glitching. But if there is a way to get both, that would be great.

Re: Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:40 pm
by (SWGO)SirPepsi
Good ideas. I'm not too techy, so I don't know exactly how this would impact the server, but why not go with those damage regions. Then the Mos Eisely/other glitches would be pretty pointless.

Re: Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:01 pm
by (SWGO)Minas_Thirith
The whole "you die in a glitch" thing has been attempted and failed before, not saying it doesn't work, but like drai pointed out, server instability.
And it doesn't fix glitches like the wookie glitch, or any kind of character respawning in a stuck wall simulating said glitch.

What drai said very interesting


Re: Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:06 am
by (SWGO)DesertEagle
(SWGO)Minas_Thirith wrote:The whole "you die in a glitch" thing has been attempted and failed before, not saying it doesn't work, but like drai pointed out, server instability.
And it doesn't fix glitches like the wookie glitch, or any kind of character respawning in a stuck wall simulating said glitch.

What drai said very interesting


Yeah, but what about a damage (not death) region? Does that case server stability issues?

Also, invisible vertices could theoretically make it harder to get a player stuck in a wookie glitch.

Edit: Just had an idea. Why not just remove the ground inside the wall glitches? That way, if they try to glitch, they fall out of the map. :mrgreen:

Re: Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:44 pm
by (SWGO)Max
Any mod period causes lag, you want no glitchers? prepare for no connection. servers lag even if you do the glitch. what do you think will happen when you add mods that make you die in spots??

Re: Modifying Maps to cut down on wall/health glitching

PostPosted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 5:56 pm
by (SWGO)DesertEagle
(SWGO)_==MAX==SPEED== wrote:Any mod period causes lag, you want no glitchers? prepare for no connection. servers lag even if you do the glitch. what do you think will happen when you add mods that make you die in spots??

Not die, get damaged. Like the outside regions on Polis Massa.

As for this causing lag, it may or may not. Here is my reasoning:

Damage is handled on the server side. It must be, because otherwise you could memory hack the game, freeze your health, and become invincible (online that is; offline you obviously can), and that clearly does not happen (or we would see it every two seconds). Now, it is possible that the client also records damage, and syncs with the server, in which case you could get lag as the client and server went out of sync when someone walked into a damage region. If it is strictly server side, this mod would almost certainly not cause lag.

Now that I think about it, yes glitching does cause lag (especially wookie health glitching), but I don't think modding like this would increase it. As a matter of fact, it would decrease it, because the glitcher won't be able to stay in the glitch for very long, so they will either die or have to leave the glitch. Thus another bonus: decreased lag.

And I'm not asking for no glitching at all, just throwing out an idea that might reduce how often it occurs.