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Capture the Ferret (CTF.)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:38 pm
by Hannibal
There are an extraordinary variety in the people who play on the SWGO servers. All of us have preferences about the map selection. This is certainly reflected in the maps that are in the rotation. However I, and hopefully some others, feel that CTF is a bit lacking. These maps are quite different from conquest and come with their Pros and Cons.

+CTF maps (outside Coruscant) rarely end early and allow the matches to go the full 20 minutes of very close to. While this can drag on at time it is much better than the conquest maps that end in 4-5 minutes, resulting in a seemingly wasted map.
+ When playing CTF on a map that a player is mostly familiar with from a conquest stand point it allows new strategies and methods to be formed. It puts the maps in a new perspective which can really help newer players learn more about the game and force them to learn some new techniques.
+CTF can at times force multiple 'identical match-ups.' This might just be going a little overboard but when I was learning to play BF2 one of the things that helped me most was CTF.
-Because the control dynamics of the map stay relatively constant, or at least fluctuate the same way I would end up battling a certain player over and over again in the same passage or route. I would often get killed by the more talent player (which felt like all of them) and because I did not have my class set in stone and was still learning and experimenting with all of them it would give me a chance to say "Well I couldn't kill them that way, let me try this."
+ It's something different than conquest, and for some people it's a very refreshing change of gameplay.
+Snipers are often overlooked. IT can be hard for them on most maps to get a good spot and dominate the battle field with the constant CP struggles. On CTF they know that certain areas of the map will remain in their teams control (for the most part.)

-CTF is not for everyone, some people straight up simply do not like it.
-Without the changing dynamic of maps due to the inability to capture enemy spawn points the warfare can end up being reptitive on maps like Death Star 1-CTF. You could spent 5 minutes in a spam fest for control of a hallway where no progress is really made.
-The flag occasionally has a bad habit of getting caught by a bot or nub abd it just chills in a back corner for ~10 minutes, slowing the game down.
-On certain maps heros can severely imbalance game play, 1CTF on tantive with Vadar for example.

I thought I'd make a small case for each CTF mode at this point.

Mustafar 2CTF. A favorite in scrimmages the CTF mode is not that different from regular conquest with plenty of bloodshed and close quarters combat. One nice element of CTF is it prevents one team from being trapped on CP 0, the over the bridge CP, and being smothered to death.

Mos Eisley 2CTF. A personal favorite of mine. This open area CTF is a challenge for defenders and attackers alike. The landscape of the map allows for a great number of routes for attackers to run to grab the flag. The buildings allow defenders to counter this by giving them a high ground advantage (potentially.) The open space gives snipers some nice room to breathe and do their thing.

Death Star 1CTF. An absolute favorite of mine, I'll be the first to say I am completely biased for this map to the nth degree. This is just a buckle-down, hunker-in, brute-force type of grind-fest. If you're one for close quarters combat this is the map for you. It was a definite favorite in 1.0 and I spent a large majority of my time playing 1.0 on this exact game and map. Anyone whose played it will probably know why I loved it, or feel very strongly the other way.

Hoth 1CTF. A very interesting game mode that has been very over-looked in the history of CTF. Part of me wants to say that very few people have played it, and that's why it's never been a hit. However I know that might not be the case. Either way (for those who have not played it) it consists of the rebels in the hangar and the empire under the rebel ships. The combat takes place in the tunnels with teams attempting rushes over the mountain. The rebels have the advantage of more tunnels protecting their base, while the empire has turrets to use. There is no place for crappy teams to hide, It takes great group effort to overpower the other team and rush in a score. A great map for the ever-neglected sniper.

Utapau 1CTF. Another favorite for scrimmages. This relatively small map makes a perfect CTF map for a short battle with lots of scoring to mix it up. Another great place for snipers to get their fill. With two main routes to take the flag it leaves little guess work. If you score you were probably the 6th or 7th man on your team to carry the flag during the attempt. Expect bloodshed, and fun.

I really hope I'm not over-stepping any bounds with this. I just love CTF and wish to share my love with you wonderful people and the remaining SWBF2 lovers. If every hates CTF so be it, I get by with Tantive. And if everyone loves CTF so be it !!! So let me know what you think.

Re: Capture the Ferret (CTF.)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:52 pm
by Vishy
With bots on Mos Eisley CTF, the jawas can pick up flags. since they're allied with both sides, this can cause some big headaches

Re: Capture the Ferret (CTF.)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:07 pm
by Hannibal
Great point, I think I suppressed that from my memory, and now that it's dug up I have fond memories of 10 people swarming a jawa desperately trying to kill it. I'm not sure if it would be an easy coding thing to flip them onto a 3rd team that is enemies with team 1 and 2.

Re: Capture the Ferret (CTF.)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:46 am
by CommanderOtto
Hannibal wrote:Great point, I think I suppressed that from my memory, and now that it's dug up I have fond memories of 10 people swarming a jawa desperately trying to kill it. I'm not sure if it would be an easy coding thing to flip them onto a 3rd team that is enemies with team 1 and 2.

I really want Death Star and Mustafar CTF but not Mos Eisley. Anyway, if it is added, don't fix the jawas.. something tells me that people following a jawa is going to be very funny :lol:

Re: Capture the Ferret (CTF.)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:29 am
by LowfatCriminal
CommanderOtto wrote:
Hannibal wrote:Great point, I think I suppressed that from my memory, and now that it's dug up I have fond memories of 10 people swarming a jawa desperately trying to kill it. I'm not sure if it would be an easy coding thing to flip them onto a 3rd team that is enemies with team 1 and 2.

I really want Death Star and Mustafar CTF but not Mos Eisley. Anyway, if it is added, don't fix the jawas.. something tells me that people following a jawa is going to be very funny :lol:

+1 but I'd like Mos Eisley CTF but no Jawa fixage

Re: Capture the Ferret (CTF.)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 1:49 am
by WD-40
I'd say the best maps are the ones where NO JEDI/SITH are involved...and that there is ample opportunity to wax the flag carrier without too much wall or obstruction cover to protect them. Otherwise, it's a jackfest of which team has the most experienced players.

Re: Capture the Ferret (CTF.)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:52 am
by Richdog
i could be persuaded to do mos eisley ctf, but never deathstar ctf. it's always a spawncamp fest for either one side or the other with immovable cps.

Re: Capture the Ferret (CTF.)

PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 11:57 pm
by Eyes Only
I like tat2c/g_ctf. +1

Vishy wrote:With bots on Mos Eisley CTF, the jawas can pick up flags. since they're allied with both sides, this can cause some big headaches

Ill work on this.