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{SWAG} Is conqueering @GameRanger !

PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:06 pm
Hello {SWGO}.

I am {S}tar{W}ars{A}ddicted{G}amers {SWAG} Administrator & Owner.

It's just for saying that we are conqueering over Gameranger.

We have a 64 Slots Server and it's full everyday!

I would like to know if some of you want to join our clan for upcoming competitions against other clans.

Our Website: &

I'm sorry for taking over what SWGO couldn't afford to make. (A dedicated server)

My server is hosted by and almost everyone has very good PINGS about 90% have under 100ms latency with the server!!! Which is kinda impressive.

Thank you for reading this, and I'm looking forward a battle against you soon! (I got pretty good) :)

You can find me on twitter: @independentcod - Remi Girard

nuff said.

Good bye {SWGO} !

Re: {SWAG} Is conqueering @GameRanger !

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:10 am
by (SWGO)DesertEagle
Do you have multiple admins?

Most GameRanger servers are horribly policed because you can't run the Remote Manager due to GameRanger interference (no idea why they block it). Did this change?

Re: {SWAG} Is conqueering @GameRanger !

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:17 am
I have total control of my servers via Remote Desktop Protocol (RPD) , I dont need the Remote Manager... As for having admins I dont need. I have whistleblowers whenever people are glitching in my server, insta ban them :)

Re: {SWAG} Is conqueering @GameRanger !

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:18 am
by Darth Crater
{SWAG}_BURN wrote:I have total control of my servers via Remote Desktop Protocol (RPD) , I dont need the Remote Manager... As for having admins I dont need. I have whistleblowers whenever people are glitching in my server, insta ban them :)

Two obvious failure cases here:
1. You have to sleep, eat, work, go to school, or otherwise step away from your computer.
2. Your "whistleblowers" may report people who aren't glitching, but merely annoying them for one reason or another.