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PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:00 am
by Michaeljackson2010
It Makes Sense Now!!! SWGO SWBF2 Server Rules and Penalty Guideline
As of 10/18/2009

All rules and definitions are subject to change. List of penalties for offenses listed at bottom of page along with a guideline for the enforcement of warns/kicks/bans. Permanent bans issued by SWGO SWBF2 server support are on a case by case basis. Player history and conduct on all servers, Teamspeak, and SWGO Forums are always considered when issuing any type of penalty. Admins are not limited in enforcing the following rules or issuing any penalties. Extra actions may be necessary to maintain a friendly, competitive, and glitch free playing environment. Keep in mind that when being warned/kicked/banned the admin program may state a different reason for taking action.

(SWGO) Jedi Battle Arena

No Bad Names
No Bad Language
No Glitching
No Harassment
No Disruptive Gameplay
No Disrespecting Other Players or Admins
No Attacking Team Members
No Faking Chat
No Chat Spamming
No Disrespecting The Star Wars Gaming Order
Don't Retaliate. Report Trouble Makers

(SWGO) Hero Assault

No Bad Names
No Bad Language
No Glitching
No Harassment
No Disruptive Gameplay
No Disrespecting Other Players or Admins
No Intentional Attacking Team Members
No Intentional Self Killing
No Re-Spawning to Avoid Being Killed
No Excessive Team Pushing
No Excessive Kill Stealing
No Infinite: Choke, Block, or Run. No Choke Lightning.
No Faking Chat
No Chat Spamming
No Disrespecting The Star Wars Gaming Order
Don't Retaliate. Report Trouble Makers

No Bad Names
Names that have curse words in them or that are offensive or vulgar are not allowed on SWGO SWBF2 servers. No names, same names and names with less than 3 characters are considered bad names.

1. Automatic Kick
2 10 Minute Ban
3. Admin Option of up to a 1 Week Ban.

No Bad Language
Language that has curse words or that is vulgar or offensive will not be tolerated on SWGO SWBF2 servers. Acronyms for curse words and evading word filter with characters are considered using bad language.

1. Warning
2. Kick
3. 10 Minute Ban
4. Admin Option of up to a 1 Week Ban.

No Glitching
Glitching is not allowed on SWGO SWBF2 servers. Using Map/Game exploits, entering buildings or areas not intended for entry will not be tolerated. No Cheating.

1. Admin Option of up to a 1 Week Ban.

No "Infinites"
Purposeful exploitation of a bug in the game enabling infinite choke, block, ammo, health, or anything else will not be tolerated. This includes Choke Lightning. This is considered cheating.

1. Warning
2. Kick
3. Admin Option of up to a 1 Week Ban.

No Harassment
No name calling or belittling of gaming skills. A player must post a complaint via game chat or forums for an admin to enforce this rule.

1. Warning
2. Kick
3 10 Minute Ban
4. Admin Option of up to a 1 Week Ban.

No Disruptive Gameplay
Conduct that impedes a player or players movement is considered disruptive. Any conduct that is beneficial to opposing team or player or conduct that impacts the flow of the round is considered disruptive.

1. Warning
2. Kick
3. 10 Minute Ban
4. Admin Option of up to 1 Week Ban.

No Disrespecting Admins or Other Players
Any comments that detract from the authority of an admin is considered disrespectful. Any comments that show contempt to an admin or other player will be considered disrespectful.

1. Warning
2. Kick
3. 10 Minute Ban
4. Admin Option of up to 1 Week Ban.

No Attacking Team Members
No Intentional Pushing, Forcing, Shooting, Bombing, Sabering, Clawing (Wampa) a teammate.

1. Warning
2. Kick
3. 10 Minute Ban
4. Admin Option of up to 1 Week Ban.

No Faking Chat
Any act that manipulates chat to make it seem like someone else is typing something is faking chat.

1. Admin Option of up to a 1 Week Ban.

Chat Spamming
Flooding game chat with at least 5 lines of chat in 3 seconds or less is considered chat spamming. Squad commands (F10

Re: Oh,,,

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:18 am
by White_Tiger_Zord
wow you really did put an effort on making this thread

Security force FAKE rank :lol:

Re: Oh,,,

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 7:35 am
by KOko
Thank you for another completely useless post MJ2010.
Because you havent added anything useful, not you have made any valid point by posting this you get one step closer to your goal -
to look like definite fake joker of the community.

Have you ever thought we posted those rules in a sticky topic above all other and we LOCKED it for a reason ?

Re: Oh,,,

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:07 am
by Ronoz
KOko be nice to people xD It took him hours and hours to make this thread so, thanks MJ... :wheelchair:

Re: Oh,,,

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:50 am
by WGO-Jango
I need to actually fix that. It cuts off there at the end, I'll do it soon here.

Re: Oh,,,

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:10 pm
KOko wrote:Have you ever thought we posted those rules in a sticky topic above all other and we LOCKED it for a reason ?

Haha, just what I was thinking.

Re: Oh,,,

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 5:34 pm
by White_Tiger_Zord
KOko wrote:
by posting this you get one step closer to your goal -to look like definite fake joker of the community.

its too late for that Mr koko

Re: Oh,,,

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:23 pm
by BurzaP
MJ, I'm asking only from a clear curiousity, do you behave similarly in a real life or are your posts only a mean to both annoy forum admins and make laugh others after tha hard day? Because I'm still looking for " where is the point?" I don't know, cry or laugh but for now :lol:

Re: Oh,,,

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:33 pm
by -)G(-Sawyer
How mental are you?

Re: Oh,,,

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:41 pm
by Doves