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Server Crash/New Glitcher

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:17 am
by seahawksfan7
The HA server crashed a little bit ago! It is 6:15 pacific time right now. The new glitcher is called "a nerd". He was in the wall and doing the wookie glitch. I have a screenshot of the wookie glitch on my xfire page (chuggaaconroy7) but didn't catch him doing it. The people in the server at that time confirmed he did it. Since he already did the wall glitch before that, I have confidence he did that one too.

Re: Server Crash/New Glitcher

PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 2:31 pm
by Centurion
These topics should be under the "Report glithers and trouble makers" forum; shouldn't they?

Re: Server Crash/New Glitcher

PostPosted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:47 am
by haasd0gg
He was probably more concerned with the crash.
Crashes happen. Usually it will reset itself.
If it doesnt fix itself, admins Xfires are found HERE -feel free to hit these guys up with server issues anytime :afro: